LOTRO free to play going ahead.

I can come on a promote a few people, may as well use the current setup for the Kinship bonuses and so on.

Just let me know a time & date or add me to Steam.
I'm gonna roll a new toon on Laurelin tonight, hopefully there are lots of new people starting now the games gone F2P. I always like playing an MMO that feels lively.

I'd be interested in joining a kin if there is an OcUK one going, as long as it isn't a hardcore raiding guild or something, and as long as you don't mind quiet people. I tend to be very shy, even in online games for some strange reason, lol :confused:
Is it worth giving this a try?

Not in your case, all MMOs are a waste of time and money and an endless grind and you've quit them remember ? :p

For anyone else though, yup definitely worth a try :D

I might even join one of my characters into this kin, my retired lvl58 minstrel maybe. Retired him years ago and have been playing my other characters ever since but have lately thought about ressurecting him
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