Had a go on Laurelin for a few hours last night and really enjoyed it. The starter area was packed and it was great running around seeing people everywhere. The server itself seems quite friendly, although I did see some poor guy ask in glovallff if anyone was on from the OcUK kinship and get shot down in flames, they started saying 'oh, here comes the WOW'ers' or something to that effect, but otherwise it seemed quite nice.
The only thing that has me slightly worried is the fact it is a RP server, I've never RP'd before and there were a few people doing it in the starter area's. I healed this one guy and helped him out in a fight and he started trying to RP, I just wasn't quite sure what the heck to say to him. I quite like seeing and being around others Roleplaying, but the second he tried to involve me I was like a bunny caught in headlights, infact I just waved at him and ran away