LOTRO free to play going ahead.

Not to absolutely overblow the nerfing of the game but, mob aggro range has also been significantly reduced meaning some places where you'd have to fight back to front to do quests, like Evendim in the Gauradan area you can now just walk past large area's you couldn't before as the aggro range is reduced. Although you do get to ignore some boring fights in that area as you need to go back into the camp several times its still another thing that makes it easier.

I did try a Guardian on release or soon after and it was pitifully slow with no damage, with Overpower stance I'm hitting things and dropping mobs as quick as most other classes, tis quite fun but very silly. Its a bit of a joke that basically every single class now has extreme survivability, huge heals or mitigation or avoidance and they ALL have big DPS now, except hunters who have similar DPS to a RK, but very little avoidance, mitigation and essentially no heals.
Not to absolutely overblow the nerfing of the game but, mob aggro range has also been significantly reduced meaning some places where you'd have to fight back to front to do quests, like Evendim in the Gauradan area you can now just walk past large area's you couldn't before as the aggro range is reduced. Although you do get to ignore some boring fights in that area as you need to go back into the camp several times its still another thing that makes it easier.

I did try a Guardian on release or soon after and it was pitifully slow with no damage, with Overpower stance I'm hitting things and dropping mobs as quick as most other classes, tis quite fun but very silly. Its a bit of a joke that basically every single class now has extreme survivability, huge heals or mitigation or avoidance and they ALL have big DPS now, except hunters who have similar DPS to a RK, but very little avoidance, mitigation and essentially no heals.

I imagine its all done to make money, its the way the masses want to play mmos which means more money , so understandable that they make those changes. Whilst I think the best mmo I ever played was the harshness and difficulty of UO, I have to accept that such mmos are only ever going to be niche mmos. To make more money you have to appeal to a wider userbase and generally speaking the wider user base prefers things easier and more straight forward. As I've said before though, I enjoy it, which is all I ask and is the only important thing.
Mumble...grumble...bah humbug

Drunkenmaster, seriously, why are you still playing? Your last dozen posts at the very least have been rants about how easy the game has become, how it's not a shadow of its former self, how they've butchered the game etc. We get it, move on :rolleyes:
I don't really care about the classes, i just love the environment the game offers.

Must admit that there have been multiple times during LOTRO where the landscape has made me go , whoa.

They've done a terrific job of bringing middle earth to life. Doesnt take too long before the screenshots folder is eating up disk space :)
Do you reckon they will ever implement tracking into the game, like footprints in snow, mud etc?
Do you reckon they will ever implement tracking into the game, like footprints in snow, mud etc?

I wouldnt be surprised if footprints are something we saw now that DX11 is implemented. I know DX11 isnt needed for it but they have only lightly touched on DX11 so far and I can see them tweaking things over time and adding in extra little touches as they go. I'd expect it to be one of those footprints show for the last 10m or something kind of thing.
Is there anything other than vault space worth buying on the store for lifetime subs folk? Every page simply tells me that there's nothing I can buy..
Is there anything other than vault space worth buying on the store for lifetime subs folk? Every page simply tells me that there's nothing I can buy..

Theres nothing on the store that I've found a need to buy, I havent even bothered with vault space, what with the shared storage and storage in my house, I've got enough anyway.

Just keeping my points for expansions and in case any mounts turn up on the store.
oh another thing i woudl like to know is, if i buy the AH slots from the store, im not a lifer or have a active sub, i get 3 slots i think it is. are these permanent slots, so 3 per character or 3 per server? or are they one time use, 3 auctions then i have to rebuy them from the store?

So is there no legit guide for lotro? (like Prima guides?)

All i want to find out is where to level at and at what level to go to each town(place) etc to get the max ammount of xp(quest xp)

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So is there no legit guide for lotro? (like Prima guides?)

All i want to find out is where to level at and at what level to go to each town(place) etc to get the max ammount of xp(quest xp)


Just go with the flow.. that's all I've done and it's working really well.
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