LOTRO free to play going ahead.

A quid or so out on the two cheaper ones £18/24, but yeah, not a bad deal. Though I can't for the life of me remember how much Mirkwood or Moria cost its been so long?

I'm going for the middle one just as £6 more gets you £10's worth of points so why not. Not entirely sure why I'm buying it, I've not finished mirkwood, infact since finishing up Moria with a couple alt's and not even finishing the book's in Moria and only part of mirkwood I just lost all enthusiasm for it.

Original was great, it didn't feel overly grindy, get to the end with great content start to finish, great book content, then raid or not, up to you. Moria and mirkwood, Moria was great, atmospheric, some great book content and some great locations but they added so much grind, legendary weapons, then you had mirkwood, skirmishes, just felt like more and more and more grind. Trying to get high up relics was insanely dull, after a week of grinding skirmishes on one alt I started on another played a day and have basically given up now.

Though I hear there is either already, or will be soon a relic +25% critical scroll or something, as long as its not painfully expensive or lasts stupidly small amount of time that might make that little thing bearable.

Have there been any major updates in the past, 6 months or so, new area's or major updates I've missed?
Anyone know if you get an email saying if your points have moved over?

Its the only reason ive not logged on yet

Yeah the 25% seems nice :P i take it that's just until the expansion is out and not forever?

I moved across last night, very easy process, took 10min max. In my confirmation email, it was confirmed that my points were moved across, 4000 points.

So I can say yes, your points do move across.
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^ I've not even started Drunk ..lol

Got to level 34 and then stopped - went to wow for few months and stopped that.

It was the emails saying to move over that i felt i should start again


Yeah they have moved my 6k points across which is good! :) thanks for heads up Vuvuzela ill re-check my emails from Turbine and see. I just might have missed them saying about it.

Re-started again as a Hunter so ill be playing at 9pm after work
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^ I've not even started Drunk ..lol

Got to level 34 and then stopped - went to wow for few months and stopped that.

It was the emails saying to move over that i felt i should start again


Yeah they have moved my 6k points across which is good! :) thanks for heads up Vuvuzela ill re-check my emails from Turbine and see. I just might have missed them saying about it.

Re-started again as a Hunter so ill be playing at 9pm after work

No worriers mate. Not sure if I will go back, just too much going on. I didn’t want to lose my toons just in case I do. It is a solid game!

Rift is keeping me busy. I was watching the live feeds from the E3 show last night and my views on SWTOR has changed a lot, it’s looking very good! Plus I have a little one due in August.
Though I can't for the life of me remember how much Mirkwood or Moria cost its been so long?

If my leaky memory serves me they were £19.99 each for the basic editions and maybe £39.99 for collectors. Pretty much the same really this time around though I think you get a little more bang from the higher tiers than the earlier releases.
I'd prefer to wait and buy this with the 5000 odd points I have sitting unused, but that 25% xp boost is looking very tempting. I have 3 or 4 toons in their early 50's, all suffering from moria-fatigue.
If my leaky memory serves me they were £19.99 each for the basic editions and maybe £39.99 for collectors. Pretty much the same really this time around though I think you get a little more bang from the higher tiers than the earlier releases.

Not so sure, its feeling a little Orange box to me, want the ultimate top tier pack, and you get a bunch ofquest packs 99% of people should already have?

The top pack should frankly be a VIP only pack and have at least one exclusive item thats, errm, worthwhile in some way. Even if its something like a few free relic/deed scrolls or something. quest packs I already have, woooo, not. :(

The 1k points in the middle pack make it ok value over the low pack but theres really such little difference between them. Then maybe people are really spending a lot of points on cosmetic crap these days.
I tend to spend my points on useless stuff also!

How many people are still playing this then?

25% XP is only until the expansion is out :(:(

regret buying it now...
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I tend to spend my points on useless stuff also!

How many people are still playing this then?

25% XP is only until the expansion is out

I stopped playing as I got bored of the rep grind in the new area (can't remember the name lol) but I have a lifetime sub so will likely head back once I've finished with Rift - which will be quite soon in all likelihood. Are you sure re the xp boost? Says it lasts until 65 on the promo? Is there small print that is small somewhere :P
When your in game you get a Derud's Stone which says when hover over.

25% xp gain
Max level 65
Bound - Pocket

& when its applied you get the ^ arrow thing like you do with xp weekends and it says

Grants a bonus of xp gained from defeating monsters UNTILL the release of insengard

So even the 25% xp is a lie!?

VERY misleading indeed imo feel conned :/


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I suspect this item will grant +25% XP up to level 65, even after Isengard. There are a number of tooltips that conflict with advertised stats.
Nope, it states it disappears once Isengard is released, they've made many errors in the descriptions for each pack, like the horse apparently has 100 health, it actually has 200 health.
Hopefully if enough people kick up a fuss they'll just keep it in the game. I'm not too fussed. Paid £23 for mine and I think I shelled out £15-20 for Mirkwood.

Nope, it states it disappears once Isengard is released

They might have made an error with the item description in game :p I'll wait until Isen to see if it disappears. I'd have thought that if it were to disappear, a temporary buff would have been better.
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