LTT called out

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I wonder if the funds issue is secondary? How does this affect Billet's ability to file for a patent?
May be best to file for a patent before sending it to a youtuber with 15m subs. Again not saying what happened was right, but maybe their priority should be in a patent first, it sounds like they have some naivety when it comes to managing a product.
This. All he needed to do was say that he really screwed up, he's sorry, etc.

I wonder if the funds issue is secondary? How does this affect Billet's ability to file for a patent?
He wasn't given the opportunity to apologize, imagine finding out someone in your business ***** up and then you are brigaded on multiple platforms. The fact it's been 'resolved' in quick succession shows he's trying.

But we have the higher than thou brigade out.

Also patent it? It's a block designed for a soon to be obsolete socket and a 3090ti. Billet have come out of this the winner a large sum of money for a basic copper block with off the shelf tubing.
I doubt Steve will come out positive from this.

He's now got a reputation of stabbing people in the back.

He already struggled to get collaborations before this, I doubt he'll be viewed favourable after this.

You can't really stab someone in the back when you were never really besties to begin with.

If you upload videos for the entire planet to watch then you have to accept that you open yourself up for scrutiny.

When Steve messes something up, And he no doubt will, He'll also rightfully be open to criticism.
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I see Linus like the other YouTuber types who are there for clicks rather than factual information think of him like the Logan Paul’s they serve a purpose to provide entertainment nothing else. If i want to get factual technical details on a product before I buy it I watch smaller channels who know their USP is the fact they give accurate details.
Linus is the Logan Paul’s of Tech YouTube the danger is people who don’t know this will think his videos are accurate and factual.
I thought everyone knew Linus was an entertainment joke channel, but now I'm not so sure after seeing how many people in this thread are jumping to defend his honour as some bastion of the light
Linus could have just put his hands up and apologised and not triple down. Now he's made this into a bigger issue when he could have done some damage control

And Steve could have told Linus before going public so he could sort it out as its obvious he was oblivious to it.

The only way the brigading mob will be satisfied is if Linus fails or he fires someone and that's a tad ****** up. Just see the **** being said about him on his forum by GN fan boys.

Not of a **** up on both parts, but oneside has just stabbed a friend in the back for YouTube views. And it will be noted by others.
And Steve could have told Linus before going public so he could sort it out as its obvious he was oblivious to it.

The only way the brigading mob will be satisfied is if Linus fails or he fires someone and that's a tad ****** up. Just see the **** being said about him on his forum by GN fan boys.

Not of a **** up on both parts, but oneside has just stabbed a friend in the back for YouTube views. And it will be noted by others.

Linus did the backstabbing first, so Steve is only defending himself
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Linus did the backstabbing first, so Steve is only defending himself

Did Linus do a hit piece on Steve on something someone in his company did without his knowledge?

This could all be resolved with a simple btw we've been contacted by billet email to Linus.

But Steve saw dollar signs and the hordes of holier than thous became morally outraged
He wasn't given the opportunity to apologize, imagine finding out someone in your business ***** up and then you are brigaded on multiple platforms. The fact it's been 'resolved' in quick succession shows he's trying.

But we have the higher than thou brigade out.

Also patent it? It's a block designed for a soon to be obsolete socket and a 3090ti. Billet have come out of this the winner a large sum of money for a basic copper block with off the shelf tubing.
A) when he did come out to try and apologise he didn't actually do that and lied to everyone in his forum post. His trying was to blame others, claim they had done something they had not, not even got an agreement from billet and just assumed as such with no payment actually made and took a video for the company as a whole to actually do anything.
B) you can still patent a design especially if it is something that could be used for future development. The mounting issue was the PCB difference. That doesn't change the block itself (the coldplate) or anything similar could be specific and thus worth protecting
C) even if it was "basic copper block" then it was still their said block
D) we don't know that they don't have a patent for the design

All your posts to date have honestly been delusional to all the known facts to date and show how caught up in what appears to be 1. A hate of GN and/or 2. A love for LMG for some unknown reason.
And Steve could have told Linus before going public so he could sort it out as its obvious he was oblivious to it.

The only way the brigading mob will be satisfied is if Linus fails or he fires someone and that's a tad ****** up. Just see the **** being said about him on his forum by GN fan boys.

Not of a **** up on both parts, but oneside has just stabbed a friend in the back for YouTube views. And it will be noted by others.

When your staff blatantly start putting down other tech tubers in your videos then you open yourself up for criticism.

I highly doubt any of this would've happened had his staff member not publicly said "unlike Gamers Nexus and Hardware Unboxed etc...." as he just called into question their entire workflow.

If Linus wants to avoid situations like this he needs to gag his employees.... and also not sell peoples property.
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He did personally cause the first issue because he did the initial review that was bloody awful.
That's fine, have your opinion.

nd as much as there is no doubt a team that organised what went up for auction I don't for a second believe that Linus wasn't aware that it had been and should have known better too.
So you didn't really complete your sentence but I'm guessing what you are trying to say is that Linus should have known that it needs to be returned and he should not have sold it. Is that fair?

You realise that some companies do let them keep stuff because it's not worth the effort of sending it back?

He has no way of knowing what conversation has happened between his team and billet lab and what arrangement was made. If a leader is second guessing every decision his team is making then that company won't last. If his team hands him a box of items and tells him to auction in it. He can't go digging through it and double checking their work. The processes should be in place to do that for him.

Genuine question does your team leader micro manage you at work? Or are you the team leader doing the micro managing? Because I don't understand how anyone thinks this is a practical way for a business to work. Surely you have experience in an actual company right not a tiny mom and pop store. How do you think it is practical for one man to micro manage everything?

To add as noted he is to blame for the response and lie that they as a company had resolved the issue satisfactorily prior to Steve's video which we know they had not.

So that is why people are directly blaming him as he took responsibility by perpetrating a lie and fed false claims to the community at wide to try and cover up their mistakes as a whole.

Linus for that is why he is getting mauled here and rightly deserves to be.
I didn't say anything because I still need to watch the video and read the response. However I'm not going to trust someone rundown of the situation when their bias/emotions has led them to conclude that one person should be micro managing and double checking the work of a 100+ person company.

You make a valid point, but at the same time if i was to start auctioning items my company owned off for charity i'd have to run that past someone senior. For an event like LTX it's guaranteed that someone senior would have have to approve those items for auction and I would think he would be aware or at least show an interest in certain elements of the show. Considering how much "pride" he himself talks about LTX you can bet he runs his eyes past everything, might not write it, might not be in control of it sure, but he would have at the very least seen it.

You can pass the missed/ignored (however you wish to interpret it) e-mails off as a employee error sure, but the auction doesn't qualify for the same "pass" that's on him.
Depends on what is being auctioned. Also if we are speculating, senior could just mean the person who is the head of the warehouse where this stuff is being stored. and I can guarantee ;) that the person running the warehouse is in a different team to the people who are in direct communication with companies for video ideas.

Also see above about micro managing.

And then Linus responds to the GN video with misleading language:

"To Steve, I expressed my disappointment that he didn't go through proper journalistic practices in creating this piece. He has my email and number (along with numerous other members of our team) and could have asked me for context that may have proven to be valuable (like the fact that we didn't 'sell' the monoblock, but rather auctioned it for charity due to a miscommunication... AND the fact that while we haven't sent payment yet, we have already agreed to compensate Billet Labs for the cost of their prototype).

Could have asked for "context"...the fact that we already...."

Linus didn't "already" anything until AFTER the video went live.

This is scummy behavior, and the response was even scummier.
You realise there are two way to interpret the last sentence right because it is actually quite vague? He doesn't actually state who they agreed with. He never said that "we had already agreed with billet labs to compensate them on the cost of the prototype". Yet that is how everyone is reading it.

You realise that external payment and compensation is not a decision that the initial LMG employee could have made and would need to be escalated internally? Just to avoid confusion that doesn't mean going straight to the CEO for a decision.

So the other way to read it is that internally this was raised and a decison was made to pay them. It could have been waiting for a final sign off for all we know. Only 4 days had passed between the email and GNs video.

So maybe Linus was lying through his teeth or maybe Linus was talking about an agreement being made internally. We don't know but don't let that let that stop your biases and emotions guiding you to the answer you want to be true. I will wait for more information.
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The irony that Steve is calling out Linus ...

Didn't he get caught using benchmarks that favoured intel over amd before the 2000 series?

Also the whole issue with his mats that had incorrect pin outs that he refused to refund?

GN is litterally the same video over and over again, might as well go on a random hardware review and read to a camera for all the production values that go into it.

If you want to attract people to the hobby Linus is the go to, if you want someone to drone onto you reading from a auto prompter then it's GN

I doubt it'll effect lmg much but bring aminosity against Steve from others in the industry.

Hot pieces against others doesn't look great, both are going to suffer from this.
What's any of Steve's past got anything to do with linus rushing reviews, not proof reading the facts and selling off prototypes without consent and then not admitting you did wrong?
I doubt Steve will come out positive from this.

He's now got a reputation of stabbing people in the back.

He already struggled to get collaborations before this, I doubt he'll be viewed favourable after this.

I disagee, I think he will. However he's potentially setting himself up for an epic fail later if he messes up - everyone will be on him.
However LMG needed called out, I do wonder how much of this is GN and LMG seeing people more as competitors now over testing than simple reviewers. They have both invested a lot of money in testing setups recently.
I doubt Steve will come out positive from this.

He's now got a reputation of stabbing people in the back.

He already struggled to get collaborations before this, I doubt he'll be viewed favourable after this.

why? The main point of that video was the bilet labs thing. The rest of it was icing on the cake. Only people that are going to not look favorable have been drinking the LTT cool aid. If LTT had owned up before hand there wouldn't have been an issue.
A) when he did come out to try and apologise he didn't actually do that and lied to everyone in his forum post. His trying was to blame others, claim they had done something they had not, not even got an agreement from billet and just assumed as such with no payment actually made and took a video for the company as a whole to actually do anything.
B) you can still patent a design especially if it is something that could be used for future development. The mounting issue was the PCB difference. That doesn't change the block itself (the coldplate) or anything similar could be specific and thus worth protecting
C) even if it was "basic copper block" then it was still their said block
D) we don't know that they don't have a patent for the design

All your posts to date have honestly been delusional to all the known facts to date and show how caught up in what appears to be 1. A hate of GN and/or 2. A love for LMG for some unknown reason.
They would struggle to get a patent for it. As it's a mixture of preexisting ideas jumbled together without a original standout component. For an example see the the majority of water blocks are not protected by patents due to the non uniqueness but the something like the original idea of a water block and pump combined is

No I don't love LMG. I know they aren't a factual information source it's entertainment, but people are acting like Steve is the Messiah despite the fact he's been up to some very sketchy things in the past.
Also acting like Steve has no vested interest in attacking a rival? Like if he was for the truth or to help billet why didn't he contact Linus?

It's obvious that the issue has been caused by one of linuses staff, but people are acting like Linus stole the item himself and.ignored billets emails personally.
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