That's fine, have your opinion.
So you didn't really complete your sentence but I'm guessing what you are trying to say is that Linus should have known that it needs to be returned and he should not have sold it. Is that fair?
You realise that some companies do let them keep stuff because it's not worth the effort of sending it back?
He has no way of knowing what conversation has happened between his team and billet lab and what arrangement was made. If a leader is second guessing every decision his team is making then that company won't last. If his team hands him a box of items and tells him to auction in it. He can't go digging through it and double checking their work. The processes should be in place to do that for him.
Genuine question does your team leader micro manage you at work? Or are you the team leader doing the micro managing? Because I don't understand how anyone thinks this is a practical way for a business to work. Surely you have experience in an actual company right not a tiny mom and pop store. How do you think it is practical for one man to micro manage everything?
I didn't say anything because I still need to watch the video and read the response. However I'm not going to trust someone rundown of the situation when their bias/emotions has led them to conclude that one person should be micro managing and double checking the work of a 100+ person company.
Depends on what is being auctioned. Also if we are speculating, senior could just mean the person who is the head of the warehouse where this stuff is being stored. and I can guarantee
that the person running the warehouse is in a different team to the people who are in direct communication with companies for video ideas.
Also see above about micro managing.
You realise there are two way to interpret the last sentence right because it is actually quite vague? He doesn't actually state who they agreed with. He never said that "we had already agreed
with billet labs to compensate them on the cost of the prototype". Yet that is how everyone is reading it.
You realise that external payment and compensation is not a decision that the initial LMG employee could have made and would need to be escalated internally? Just to avoid confusion that doesn't mean going straight to the CEO for a decision.
So the other way to read it is that internally this was raised and a decison was made to pay them. It could have been waiting for a final sign off for all we know. Only 4 days had passed between the email and GNs video.
So maybe Linus was lying through his teeth or maybe Linus was talking about an agreement being made internally. We don't know but don't let that let that stop your biases and emotions guiding you to the answer you want to be true. I will wait for more information.