LTT called out

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The Billet stuff is mad.

I don't under how "We didn't sell it, we auctioned it" is even remotely acceptable as an excuse.
The outcome is the same, intention doesn't matter.
the ****?

I might have to actually read/watch this tech gossip now.

I watched it on 1.5x speed, but I watch almost everything on 1.5x anyway. It's a long video because they include evidence and examples. Only some because otherwise the video would be far longer, but enough to make a key point. This isn't "drama". It isn't gossip. It's factual and it's about ethics. Some people have mentioned the few pieces of speculation. They exist, but they're clearly labelled as speculation and they're reasonable speculation. For example, he speculates that deliberately and knowingly publishing false information about a product to a million people might result in some people making incorrect purchasing decisions. Or that deliberately and knowingly testing a prototype product incorrectly, publicly slating it on the basis of that deliberately incorrect testing, publicly standing by that act and publicly stating that he doesn't care how the product would perform if tested correctly and then stealing the only existing prototype to auction it off to potential competitors to the business that made it (and still owned it) might have a negative impact on that tiny start-up business that is now stalled in development by not having the prototype (and lacking the money to have another one made) and which now has their potential product publicly villified by a very influential business that deliberately and knowingly mis-tested it and doesn't care.

And yes, they really did do that. Linus said so. Publically. At least three times. He's not even denying it.

Too much power, too little ethics. I think Gamer's Nexus was entirely right to say "It's not OK". I think they were also entirely right to make the issue public, for the same reasons as mrk a few posts above. This isn't about private matters, this is about what LMG does in public. Very public. As public as possible, for the views and the ad money and the sponsorship money from companies whose products then get glowing reviews from them. Coincidentally, of course. Even the ones that Linus owns shares in and which the company he owns gives glowing reviews for.
If this guy is such a well known tech doofus, why did these guys send him the prototype?

That's a very good question, the company should have sent it to someone who can actually use it like Derbauer but they went with LTT for clicks and marketing
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If they need to use clickbait headlines and thumbnails in videos, then this is always the type of video to watch one eyebrow raised.

LMG videos have been this way for ages and I never really put full trust in them for years. They seem to target a market of viewer that isn't entirely tech savvy, but want to be, so will latch onto the creator that has the wackiest/extroverted approach, because being loud and out there sells.

GN is my go-to, along with HUB for actually useful technical info, along with the tech opinions that come with it. Throw Jay2C in the mix too because his stuff is entertaining as well as technically sound too a lot of the time.

Essentially LTT became too mainstream and realised they can capitalise off that popularity because their viewer base will slurp up whatever they do or say and the revenue makes itself.
I stopped watching LTT so many years ago for similar reasons. It just became too superficial.

GN is my normal go to and HUB on occasion as they at least have an idea how to properly calibrate a monitor.
I haven't watched LTT for a while, i think Linus is obnoxious and narcissistic.

This proved it IMO, a small start up company gave him a water block to review, the only one they had as it cost many thousands to make < i'll get back to that, he assembled it incorrectly, inevitably that gave it a bad result, he then utterly humiliated these poor people for the result it gave, because that's fashionable to do in Youtube land now... after his own misassembly was pointed out to him he doubled down on it, saying it wouldn't have made any difference anyway and you shouldn't buy it.
How can you have an ounce of empathy for your fellow human and do that to someone just to save face?!?!?!?! ####### disgusting.

Now i'll get back to the fact that this was the only block they had, this company asked for it back so they could send it to other tech journalists and then continue research on it, Linus promised to send it back to them, twice, before selling it in an auction and then told this company it was gone, development on this product is now on hold as they no longer have the block.

I feel for these guys and i'm not even involved.

What a ##### ####.

Should sue them tbh, they've sold something that the company explicitly said they wanted back for further development, its criminal!

I tend to watch more Optimum tech these days for his ITX builds which are pretty insane usually. Kitguru for their builds as well, though generally he sounds pretty miserable lol.
Lol Linus' response is that Steve should have contacted him privately to settle the matters?


No, Linus' response was that Steve should have contacted him first to discuss it. That is the journalistic integrity Steve claims to have. Steve wants to be accurate, thorough and fair...but without asking LTT for input first. That isnt possible.
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No, Linus' response was that Steve should have contacted him first to discuss it. That is the journalistic integrity Steve claims to have. Steve wants to be accurate, thorough and fair...but without asking LTT for input first. That isnt possible.

Integrity and Linus is an alien concept. The guy auctioned off someone elses property for frak sake after being asked multiple times to send it back.
No, Linus' response was that Steve should have contacted him first to discuss it. That is the journalistic integrity Steve claims to have. Steve wants to be accurate, thorough and fair...but without asking LTT for input first. That isnt possible.
From the sounds of it Steve has aired his grievances with Linus previously and towed the line with not saying anything publicly but now he's fed up with it
Linus: "There won't be a big WAN Show segment about this or anything. Most of what I have to say, I've already said, and I've done so privately."
Linus: "There won't be a big WAN Show segment about this or anything. Most of what I have to say, I've already said, and I've done so privately."

Do you think that statement referred to everything addressed in the video or a at most a few of the points? if it was the former, Linus wouldnt have said he wasnt give a chance to respond.

I'm not defending what steve's got correct, here, it's the way it's been approached. For example, we have already found out since GN released the video that LTT have agreed on a sum to compensate Billet Labs. Steve didnt say that. Did he even know that? he would have, had he given Linus a chance a respond. That doesnt excuse what happened, but it doesnt paint the situation in quite the same light GN are trying to either. If Steve wants to play the righteous Journalist, he should play by the rules.

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Do you think that statement referred to everything addressed in the video or a at most a few of the points? if it was the former, Linus wouldnt have said he wasnt give a chance to respond.

I'm not defending what steve's got correct, here, it's the way it's been approached. For example, we have already found out since GN released the video that LTT have agreed on a sum to compensate Billet Labs. Steve didnt say that. Did he even know that? he would have, had he given Linus a chance a respond. That doesnt excuse what happened, but it doesnt paint the situation in quite the same light GN are trying to either. If Steve wants to play the righteous Journalist, he should play by the rules.
None of that matters any more. LTT had plenty of time to get their ship in order after many instances of their bs being called out but Linus on camera always doubled down and proclaimed how he's got years of experience so knows better than anyone else. The evidence speaks for itself and GN has had enough, and rightly so, as the rest of us have too.

GN have always said they'd be the voice for us, and right now they are sticking to that word.

There is no excuse anyone can post to somewhat restore some definition for LMG/LTT now because the truth is out in a massive public way, and it comes with receipts.
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GN is a competing tech review channel so find it odd they are going after LTT on matters regarding how they are performing / not performing as a tech channel.

I believe that is for the viewers to decide akin to voting with your wallet or with your views in this case.

I saw the water block episode, thought it was terrible from the start. Why have two noobs run the show who have never water cooled before especially given this is a bespoke item. I could understand if it was a ek block as the angle could be how your regular joe gets on with this water cooling equipment but clearly this isn’t the case with this block. Along with using the wrong components, because the noobs broke the ones needed.

The conclusion was probably accurate for normal folk, not recommended but they even mention this in the video that the ceo isn’t aiming at the general crowd.

So the entire thing was bad, but I don’t need another competing tech channel to tell me it is bad. Whilst Steve said it not drama it certainly feels so.

Why is GN so worried if LTT is mistakenly putting up wrong specs, minor mistakes or what ever even big mistakes. Focus on your own content.
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