I haven't watched LTT for a while, i think Linus is obnoxious and narcissistic.
This proved it IMO, a small start up company gave him a water block to review, the only one they had as it cost many thousands to make < i'll get back to that, he assembled it incorrectly, inevitably that gave it a bad result, he then utterly humiliated these poor people for the result it gave, because that's fashionable to do in Youtube land now... after his own misassembly was pointed out to him he doubled down on it, saying it wouldn't have made any difference anyway and you shouldn't buy it.
How can you have an ounce of empathy for your fellow human and do that to someone just to save face?!?!?!?! ####### disgusting.
Now i'll get back to the fact that this was the only block they had, this company asked for it back so they could send it to other tech journalists and then continue research on it, Linus promised to send it back to them, twice, before selling it in an auction and then told this company it was gone, development on this product is now on hold as they no longer have the block.
I feel for these guys and i'm not even involved.
What a ##### ####.
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