
I don't believe in dragging things out but why only 4 episodes?

The scenes of both the stabbing and the cafe are within just a few meters of my work buiding.. All very eerie! :/
4 episodes. really? too short :(

and I still can't work out what would have happened to the blood in the washing bucket? surely that wouldve been found etc?
They would have poured the blood away and gotten rid of the bucket I guess, maybe by chucking it in a bin or a river. Luther told her to get rid of the bucket before the old assassin man came knocking.
They would have poured the blood away and gotten rid of the bucket I guess, maybe by chucking it in a bin or a river. Luther told her to get rid of the bucket before the old assassin man came knocking.

hmm yeh fair enough, and we still don't know what happened to him... surely the car would've been traced back to him or something?

another episode needed to tie up the loose ends! :(
Series. We don't do "seasons" here in the UK.
As someone who's been integrated into British society fairly recently, this confuses me immensely. :p To me, a "series" is the whole thing, like Battlestar Galactica is a television series and it's comprised of "seasons". Why is there no standardisation for languages? :(
I hope they do another series as the 4 episodes were very good, but I'm not sure they will. The last series wasn't a big hit, and I'm not sure this one has been? :(
Enjoyed season two. Needed more Alice though. would have liked to have a few loose ends tied up, suppose we can hope for a third season.

Entire thing was well acted, shot and sounded very good.
It did need more Alice - not because she's attractive (though she is, in a very weird way) but because she's probably the second most interesting character they have after Luther himself. Still I suppose it would have been difficult to work her in in only four episodes.
Just watched the finale, loved it.

It's a good show, not "omfg this is like watching The Wire for the first time" epic, but still a good show. We're dealing with the BBC here, not HBO.

The lack of Alice being a nutjob was disappointing but i guess it would be tough to work an escaped murderer in as a regular character.
Just saw the advert for series 3 coming soon. Looks good. First series was brilliant I thought, second lost the edge slightly but looking forward to the third.
I've started watching these from the start as missed them the 1st time round and they are being repeated on Alibi.
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