Mafia 3

Keep in mind some folks did have rather early copies just by purchasing normally so some reviewers may have got there hands on it, we will see

Interesting, the previews were all really positive (the extended 6 hour long sessions) so I was happy enough to go with it.
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Good start :D :p :o :(

Bet people will either be regretting their pre-orders now or making good use of steams refund :cool:

If it is even possible... hopefully removing the 30 fps lock won't break in game physics...
Waiting for the usual :p


As sad as it is to say, I can't wait for the new consoles so PC releases stop getting capped at 30 (fingers crossed).
tbph, people should have known by now not to pre-order games... Time and time again we have been given buggy pos on release day (even by "trusted" publishers/developers) yet people still continue to pre-order and come release day are left disappointed/annoyed :o :confused:

Just how many buggy/crap ports is it going to take until people learn their lesson... DON'T PRE-ORDER! This is largely why we get so many buggy/crap ports on release now...
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