Mafia 3

Yeah its made by a new team Hanger 13 that was created by 2k. Its their first game for that team together for 2k. So far its pretty gfx and not much else to me. What really is bad is the one hit of a car and its in massive flames. I dunno if its youtube but the vids show dodgy fps stutter during some parts, mainly driving. And as i said before the console hud stuff like press X or Y and various other icony things that are baby handling the player for a console as us PCers dont need that crap. :D
I wondered why I couldn't find anything on the developer, guess that explains it. I'm very worried about this game :( Still early days though of course.
Just seen the gameplay video, and all my hype is gone...this seem like the biggest flop ever.
They kill the this franchise sadly :(
Why not release a Mafia1 HD remake if they want quick money? I'd buy that.
Did i hear them say you play as Lincoln, regular guy and your family has been killed by the mafia? So you dont actually play as a Mafioso? :/

All sounds naff to me..But I will see....

so you didnt listen to the video at all?

you play as lincoln who is part/godfather of the black mafia, who wants revenge on the mafia for this family you have lituatents who help you control your businesses and can help you call in favours

Yeah its made by a new team Hanger 13 that was created by 2k. Its their first game for that team together for 2k. So far its pretty gfx and not much else to me. What really is bad is the one hit of a car and its in massive flames. I dunno if its youtube but the vids show dodgy fps stutter during some parts, mainly driving. And as i said before the console hud stuff like press X or Y and various other icony things that are baby handling the player for a console as us PCers dont need that crap.

Just seen the gameplay video, and all my hype is gone...this seem like the biggest flop ever.
They kill the this franchise sadly
Why not release a Mafia1 HD remake if they want quick money? I'd buy that.

also its very early development so dont look at graphics or fluidness of the game at all. standard for early development. the key for early develop is making everything work, before polishing.
you expecting Mafia II out of world first look at the game running. just shows you never seen a program or game ever being made :) heck sometimes first 20-100 builds are making it hit the menu screen :)
as for fps drop, welcome to debug builds heavy in debug to find issues before us the customers play it.
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Just seen the gameplay video, and all my hype is gone...this seem like the biggest flop ever.
They kill the this franchise sadly :(
Why not release a Mafia1 HD remake if they want quick money? I'd buy that.

Agree......erection stamped on. :mad:
Just seen the gameplay video, and all my hype is gone...this seem like the biggest flop ever.
They kill the this franchise sadly :(
Why not release a Mafia1 HD remake if they want quick money? I'd buy that.

You guys are terrible.!!!
You moan when theirs no demos
You moan when theirs no gameplay reveals
You moan about dlc on day one
Now you call it a flop on the first ever EXCLUSIVE first ever EARLY gameplay showing which is not even a gameplay trailer....

No wonder developers rarely give you demos and gameplay reveals. Dammed if they do dammed if they don't.

Give them a chance to release a real gameplay trailer further down the line that's has some polish

Its just a sandbox ATM geez.

Or better yet try out the DEMO before you buy.. Imagine that a demo now days?

Give them a chance....

I some some of you just think games appear from no where and just work.
Creating a game takes THOUSANDS of man hours..
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I've seen the gameplay and I really don't like the setting and the general feel of the game. It seems like it tries to emulate GTA on many fronts but the franchise's biggest strength was always that it set itself apart from other mainstream games.

Mafia 1 was just brilliant, I struggled to find a single flaw in that game. I even liked the second one. I couldn't care less about having loads of side content. For me, Mafia games are supposed to tell an engaging story set against an atmospheric backdrop, and do so with unparalleled finesse and realism. They're supposed to be the polar opposites of Grand Theft Auto which takes the mick out of everything and is all about pure, unadulterated fun.

This doesn't necessarily mean the game will suck but I'd rather they stuck to a proven formula. This just doesn't feel like a Mafia game at all.
+1 to that smogsy, someone had to say something :p

The game is not even out yet and people are making judgements already .. personally I think it looks amazing and definitely has a unique look/feel about it, which is what Mafia games have always been about.

I guess the PC master race is just hard to please.. That's coming from a PC and console gamer ;)
Just fed up of gamers think they deserve everything on a platter and expect everything to be given to them right away. Think developers should just hide everything from everyone and just release it... Least you won't be judging things before its out...

You wouldnt do it to people or books why games?

2K +200 for the balls to give demo out to this lot..
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