Mafia 3

Don't get the criticism of the characters skin colour. Personally I think it'll be interesting, imagine if all the games people made fit into stereotypes!
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i think this game looks crap. i just hope the story is good, but it doesn't sound very immersive with the whole perks thing. mafia 1 almost didn't feel like a game, mafia 2 less so but still good, and now this just looks to be the worst of them all. they wanted the driving to feel like a hollywood movie! why mafia felt almost real. if they wanted to make a game with hollywood over the top driving reactions, why not make a whole new game franchise and leave mafia to someone else ffs
i think this game looks crap. i just hope the story is good, but it doesn't sound very immersive with the whole perks thing. mafia 1 almost didn't feel like a game, mafia 2 less so but still good, and now this just looks to be the worst of them all. they wanted the driving to feel like a hollywood movie! why mafia felt almost real. if they wanted to make a game with hollywood over the top driving reactions, why not make a whole new game franchise and leave mafia to someone else ffs

Agreed. I loved Mafia 1 I thought 2 was very disappointing and average, the story was particularly underwhelming and massive chunks were cut out for DLC. Looks like this is going down the same road tbh. Maybe worth getting dirt cheap in sales a year down the line but that's it.
I preferred Mafia 2 - I found the driving much better (in Mafia 1 if you exceeded the speed limit by 1mph you'd have the cops all over you). Storyline was okay as well. Fighting was fun. It was a solid 6/10 I'd say.

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I think this is looking really really good. I just hope the world truly feels open, I wanna feel like Henry Hill working my way from a nobody into a godfather doing loads of stuff in the world. Gotta say the art direction looks really nice in Mafia 3, this is def on my radar whereas before it really was on the peripheral.
Not sure I like the more modern setting with a half black character (dats wacist). I preferred the classic Mafia style setting and characters.
I kinda agree ayahuasca, that was my initial issue with Mafia 3 months ago, that's not a character I'm going to enjoy playing as, it's just not Mafia. But the world looks good, just hope its not empty of things to do like 2 was.
Skip to 5:30 if you don't want to hear the introductions

We've reached the end of our month of content rounding out our November cover story on Mafia III from Hangar 13. We've had features detailing gameplay, the founding of the studio, and the real-world mob presence in New Orleans, but we wanted to open the floor to the fans of the Mafia franchise out there and give them a chance to ask Mafia III's creative director Haden Blackman anything they'd like. We pulled dozens of questions from the community and Skyped in Blackman to answer questions about why the team chose such a new setting for the franchise, how the world compares to Mafia II, and which lingering questions from the franchise will be addressed.

We hope you enjoy the special edition podcast below, and be sure to tune in on Thursday for the regularly scheduled Game Informer Show! You can listen to the episode below or subscribe and listen to the audio on iTunes.
The more I hear about this game the more I dislike it. I'm just going to ignore everything and wait for release and hopefully it's a big surprise.
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