Make bad chatup lines even worse

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rofl, good thread, nice work GTA and others :)

original: "If God had a refrigerator, a picture of you would be on it."
ruined: "If God had a refrigerator, you'd be rummaging through it you fat *****!"
LOL great thread GTA, has had me in stitches most of the day :p. Heres my feeble attempt lol:

Original: Put your crash helmet on, you're going through the head board.
Ruined: Put your crash helmet on, you're going straight out the door.

Original: I think you're the light at the end of my tunnel
Ruined: I think YOUR blocking the light at the end of the tunnel

Original: Was you father a cement mixer? Because you sure make me hard
Ruined: Was you father a cement mixer? Because he should have made sure you had concrete boots on.
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Original: If i could be anything i would be your tear, born in your eyes, live on your cheeks, and die on your lips.

Ruined: If i could be anything i would be your keks, born in asda, live on your arse, and die on your rusty sheriffs badge.
original: <look at label in back of top> 'just looking to see if you were made in heaven.'
ruined: <look at label in back of pants> 'Wow. I didn't know they did em in triple XL.'
ruined: <look at label in back of pants> 'Wow. Nice skids.'

original: Yours looks are like spanners.....They make my nuts tighten
ruined: Your looks are like spanners....they make my guts wrench

Original: You've got a figure to die for.
ruined: You ever crush anyone to death?
Original: 'Do you want to see something swell?' (lame anyway...)
Runined: 'Do you want to see something swell? Your already massive belly as i impregnate you with my illustrious seed...(follow with insane laughter then proceed with molestation.)
Orginal: Babe your so hot I bet your 1/2 of the reason for global warming
Ruined: Babe you emit so many toxic gases I bet your the whole reason for global warming
Original: Did it hurt.... when you fell from heaven?!
Ruined: Did it hurt.... when you fell out the ugly tree, hit every branch on the way down, fell into a bonfire and put your face out with a bicycle chain?! I'm implying you're unattractive. Drink?
thelankymatt said:
Dont worry I have one thing going in my favour... a total disregard for my own personal safety!

in which case i would use a far more offnsive one if i were you!

such as

'Im Drunk, and you're still ugly'

if she asks why you said such a horrible thing, just say Davey_pitch on the intraweb told you to!
HumanShield said:
in which case i would use a far more offnsive one if i were you!

such as

'Im Drunk, and you're still ugly'

if she asks why you said such a horrible thing, just say Davey_pitch on the intraweb told you to!

Definitely, used to work every time for me ;) :D

Disclaimer: The above statement may or may not be true. The poster refuses to guarantee the safety of any individual who wishes to use the above line on a female. Your statutory rights are not affected.
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