First mistake is listening to someone as guano crazy as her. What does "whiteness is a capitalist structure" even mean.
Don't ask
@Caracus2k something like that; it will get him all worked up and start ranting about Marxists.
You clearly don't speak woke, so allow me to attempt to translate.
The first thing to say is that within Critical Social Justice scholarship and activism, there is a lot of jargon and a certain level of ambiguity is present by design. As such "whiteness is a capitalist structure" could mean a couple of things depending on your interpretation, but let's break it down:
I'm using
James Lindsey's Social Justice Encylopedia for the definition and etymology of the term 'Whiteness'.
Critical scholars define racism as a systemic relationship of unequal power between White people and people of Color. Whiteness refers to the specific dimensions of racism that elevate White people over people of Color. Basic rights, resources, and experiences that are assumed to be shared by all, are actually only available to Whites. Although many Whites feel that being White has no meaning, this feeling is unique to White people and is a key part of what it means to be White; to see one’s race as having no meaning is a privilege only Whites are afforded. To claim to be “just human” and thus outside of race is one of the most powerful and pervasive manifestations of Whiteness. (emphasis in original)
It's worth highlight that Robin DiAngelo is responsible for the notion of 'White Fragility' to give you an idea of who's behind the above quote.
So 'Whiteness' isn't just the physical trait of being white — it's a
system of power and oppression that all white people are complicit in perpetuating and, at the same time, completely blind to. If you're interested, James Lindsey goes into much more detail about the term via the link posted above.
Capitalist structure
In its purest form, the ultimate goal of capitalism is to accumulate capital. The more capital at one's disposal, the quicker and easier it is to accumulate yet more capital (and so on). By describing 'whiteness' (a system of power) as a 'capitalist structure', Sophie Duker is suggesting that the ultimate goal of 'whiteness' is to accumulate power and the more power at one's disposal, the quicker and easier it is to accumulate yet more power.
According to Critical Race Theory, white people already have a monopoly on power at the expense of people of colour. So the inference is that white people are the Jeff Bazos of power and non-whites are the oppressed Amazon warehouse workers getting paid below minimum wage.
The Master's Tools
An alternative interpretation is based on the notion that
'the master’s tools will never dismantle the master’s house':
Audre Lorde. “The Master’s Tools Will Never Dismantle the Master’s House” 1984 p. 2. said:
The phrase “master’s tools” as it is relevant within Critical Social Justice dates back to a 1984 essay by the black feminist Audre Lorde, who was attempting to make the case that the “tools” of the dominant system (these would be the “master’s tools”) will not dismantle the dominant system itself (these would be the “master’s house”).
Whereby 'white capitalism' is one of the 'master's tools' along with 'white empiricism', 'white science', and 'white mathematics', and is used to perpetuate the system of 'whiteness'.
However, based on the rest of what Sophie Duker says in the clip, I'm inclined to go with the first option.
*Disclaimer* Please don't take the above as my endorsement of what Sophie Duker said, I agree that it's bat **** crazy, I'm simply attempting to help explain what she meant, even though I disagree with it.