Ahh, hung like a donkey are we?
This is where I don't get it though. This idiots actions were to imply something and it's clearly annoyed you as you're in support of the criminal charges. Whereas someone straight up saying something to you gets less of a reaction.
If we're going of an embryo, sure!
Yeah I suppose it doesn't make much sense really. But I just think calling up the police because someone called me a name and I have no proof of it either way, just a waste of time when I could be getting on with my day.
someone going out of their way to insult me by sending a 'gift' to my table? To me that's less forgivable than calling me a name in anger because I can accept that sometimes people can speak without engaging their brain. That only takes a momentarily lapse of judgement. Going through with an order, finding out his table number, then confirming and paying for it. He had plenty of times to stop and think but he didn't and he still went ahead with it.
That was all a conscious and premeditated decision to act like a berk. So I have no issue with him falling foul to the law.
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