Man stabs another after he fails to wash his hands...

robmiller said:
Yes? What is this, a primary school playground?

"eww, you've got cooties i'm not touching you"

No, it's called courtesy. I don't especially want to indirectly touch your genitals even if you're fine with it.
Not sure if anyone else does this but when I use a urinal I use my fingers to get any remaining drops of pee on my willy after I finish peeing as theres no tissues it seems the only option. So I wash my hands most of the time, except for the rare occasion when I pee so cleanly that theres no remaining drops.

Btw the reason you should wash your hands if you get pee on them is because urine can smell sometimes, the only times it doesn't is when your really well hydrated. And usually as most guys drink alcohol on nights out they tend not to be really well hydrated, I know mine isn't if i'm drinking.

I'm sure no one wants to shake hands with a guy whose hand smells slightly of wee and thus transferring the smell :p
Saberu said:
Not sure if anyone else does this but when I use a urinal I use my fingers to get any remaining drops of pee on my willy after I finish peeing as theres no tissues it seems the only option.


Every other man in the worlds shakes, have you not noticed this? standard urinal procedure as it saves getting wee all over your hands.
scorza said:
If I don't wee on my hands I don't see why I should wash them afterwards :confused:

I agree, im sure im not the only one who showers more than once a day. When I go for a wee, my pubes are just sparkley thankyou.

That said, i'll wash my hands if the room isn't empty
Uh, ironically, if you actually *did* pee on your hands, it would probably be more hygienic (fresh urine can be used to sterilise).

The fact is, the entire environment, the toilet seat, the taps, everything is contaminated with every type of disease/pathogen you can imagine. There is a clear reason why, by law (in the UK) you must have at least 2 doors closed betwee n the kitchen and the bathroom.

Personally, I wash my hands every time, I can actually smell urea on my hands if I don't wash them, and clean fresh hands are desirable normally anyway. Remember, if you do get urea or something on your hands, and you don't wash with HOT water and soap, then you spread it around on everything you touch, and within seconds urine becomes a serious breeding grounds for bacteria.

Plus, and this is what I hate the most - I have to touch the door handle on the way out of the restroom, after people who don't bother washing their hands. I can only hope that the process I have done to my hands is enough to defeat whatever the hell is on the door handle and other doors around the facility afterwards.

If in doubt, I would suggest you put your hands to your face and tell me what they smell like... and whether that is the smell you want to present to people (and in nightclubs, women).
Shoseki said:
Remember, if you do get urea or something on your hands, and you don't wash with HOT water and soap, then you spread it around on everything you touch, and within seconds urine becomes a serious breeding grounds for bacteria.
Bacteria which anyone who hasn't spent their life in a sterile bubble would no doubt be resistant to.
Not that much of a clean freak, but find it strange that working in a Government office I see many guys not washing their hands and not using the flush either...

c/o sick animation dot com
Some of the washrooms here are good.
Open door,
Take a leak,
Auto-flush when you walk away,
Taps activated automatically,
Hand Dryer automatic,
Kick door open on the way out!

The worst thing is when the taps don't work and you've caught all the germs on the tap by trying to make it work and have no way to rinse your hands.
dirtydog said:
Bacteria which anyone who hasn't spent their life in a sterile bubble would no doubt be resistant to.
Unless you're vaccinated against it, I doubt very much you're protected from any (individual strain of) bacteria, it depends on the individuals tolerance and nobody is "100% resistant".

It's a bit like saying urine is sterile, well it is providing you don't have a whole host of ailments (MRSA, typhoid, paratyphoid, chlamydia, hepatitis etc etc). Some of those you may not even realise you have ;)
I run a business dealing in food and drink, so I wash my hands after 1 and after 2, and after loads of other stuff through the day, must wash my hands 50times a day! lol.

BUT - i dont hold that it is unclean to not wash after number 1.
i know nothing said:
Unless you're vaccinated against it, I doubt very much you're protected from any (individual strain of) bacteria, it depends on the individuals tolerance and nobody is "100% resistant".
No but you know what I'm saying ;) We all come into contact with bacteria and bugs every day but our body fights them off without us knowing anything about it, if we have a normal healthy immune system.

I do wash my hands after using public toilets for what it's worth, but I realise it's probably more of a psychological thing rather than strictly necessary - especially as I will be touching other things on the way out of the room which aren't clean.

At home I don't wash my hands after a number 'one' because I don't see the need and I expect if we're honest, nor do most people.

I think there is an obsession with excessive cleanliness in modern (Western) society nowadays which partially explains the huge rise in allergies and in asthma cases, compared to a hundred and more years ago - before we had vacuum cleaners and fancy anti-bacterial soaps (which probably do more harm than good by creating drug resistant bugs).
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