Manchester Bombing *** Please remain respectful and refrain from antagonising posts ***

I feel like I can predict the rest of todays events

GMP will issue a statement saying the suspect was know to the intelligence community
Teresa May will give a speech strongly condemning the attack

Question, what lessons did we learn from the last terror attack, or even the one before that?

What can actually be done to prevent this from happening again?

Well I heard the ex MI6 guy on the radio this morning saying he will probably be known but the issue is, if you list the people who went to Syria to train and fight and the people who tried to go to Syria but were stopped, that list alone is 1000 people and that is just the Syria linked ones. He says our security services don;t have to resource to monitor everybody on the list.
It's really sad, saw it on the forum yesterday, but only saw the extent of the incident on the news today, it's shocking that scum like this terrorist exist. :(
My 8 year old daughter's school friend was at the concert. I didn't think I'd be too far removed from someone directly affected. Hopefully she's ok.
He's right, if you have any empathy with these extreme religious child killers you should gtfo out of the country, maybe move to Syria so hopefully you receive the lovely treatment you deserve by the people you empathise with

You don't need to have empathy but you do need some sense. Part of the problem is the way some western countries have carried out interventions in Muslim countries. Fact is that the thousands of Muslims who came over in the 60s, usually from a stricter and religious background, didn't go around killing innocent people in the name of religion.

Now we're in this mess where certain Muslims are using religion to justify attacks on innocent people. Religion is clearly part of the problem, but there are obviously other facts to consider.

A person, whether Muslim or not, has every right to question or criticise the government's actions in Iraq, Afghanistan or elsewhere without being accused of empathising with terrorists.

Personally I hope that the bomber burns in hell if there is one, and anyone who knowingly helped him is locked up for life.
Well I heard the ex MI6 guy on the radio this morning saying he will probably be known but the issue is, if you list the people who went to Syria to train and fight and the people who tried to go to Syria but were stopped, that list alone is 1000 people and that is just the Syria linked ones. He says our security services don;t have to resource to monitor everybody on the list.

I agree what can they do - literally pick who to monitor and hope they picked the right ones or to haul the lot in.

Sad thing is this morning I would turn a blind eye to kicking a 1000 doors in and arresting the lot
Well I heard the ex MI6 guy on the radio this morning saying he will probably be known but the issue is, if you list the people who went to Syria to train and fight and the people who tried to go to Syria but were stopped, that list alone is 1000 people and that is just the Syria linked ones. He says our security services don;t have to resource to monitor everybody on the list.
Why are we stopping these ***** from leaving the country? Let them go and die in Syria/Iraq, better yet send all their families with them. We don't want them here.
First of all, thoughts go out to those caught up, horrible news to be waking up to. I studied there for university so I hope everyone I knew up there is ok.

But I would like just to go back to the previous points a few posts back. Do NOT get the wrong end of the stick, no sympathising going on here. But understanding motivation is important, and frankly I find it a bit distressing that some here cannot see why there are those out there committing horrible acts and instead resort to "just pure evil, scum etc etc".

Whether it's through brainwashing, general misguidedness or straight stupidity, if you genuinely believed that you were in the right and that terrible things were happening to your people... don't you all see how this can be one outcome?

Terrorism in this form is completely impossible to stop 100%. Yes you can kill the head of ISIS, you can break up cells, you can even stop the lone wolf nutter who went to the shop to buy a ton of nails. But you want stop it every time. A more long term solution is to somehow persuade that group of people that we are not the devil, we actually aren't that bad.

How that exactly happens I'm not sure.

Anyway as I said, please don't confuse what I'm saying as sympathising... I don't condone this at all. But there are reasons behind things beyond "they are bad".

You can't reason with those that don't want to be reasoned with. No amount of talking will appease them. They want a global caliphate and if they don't get it then they will keep doing this until they do. You can't reason with that warped logic.
Well I heard the ex MI6 guy on the radio this morning saying he will probably be known but the issue is, if you list the people who went to Syria to train and fight and the people who tried to go to Syria but were stopped, that list alone is 1000 people and that is just the Syria linked ones. He says our security services don;t have to resource to monitor everybody on the list.

indeed - at the moment they seem to be interviewed by police on arrival back in the UK and some sort of assessment made regarding their risk. Unfortunately it is a bit hard to confirm exactly what people have been getting up to out there - lots of people could potentially claim they were going to help provide aid or to assist the FSA or Kurds when actually they joined ISIS or Al Nursa.
Why are we stopping these ***** from leaving the country? Let them go and die in Syria/Iraq, better yet send all their families with them. We don't want them here.
Because each one who goes to fight abroad could kill both allied soldiers and civilians? :confused:
Why are we stopping these ***** from leaving the country? Let them go and die in Syria/Iraq, better yet send all their families with them. We don't want them here.
This, round up everyone in the list and any family they have and send them all packing. Sick of people putting the few before the many.
Because each one who goes to fight abroad could kill both allied soldiers and civilians? :confused:
They are a lot less likely to be able to kill any of us over there so let them go and revoke their British citizenship as soon as they go so they can never return
indeed - at the moment they seem to be interviewed by police on arrival back in the UK and some sort of assessment made regarding their risk. Unfortunately it is a bit hard to confirm exactly what people have been getting up to out there - lots of people could potentially claim they were going to help provide aid or to assist the FSA or Kurds when actually they joined ISIS or Al Nursa.

If they're coming back it makes sense to keep them locked up until detailed checks can be done...
Absolutely hurrendous what I have seen in the news this morning, RIP and thoughts are with those that were hurt, effected by this.

Questions the security at the event if he managed to get through with that, iv not read up on the details around the security of the event.
They are a lot less likely to be able to kill any of us over there so let them go and revoke their British citizenship as soon as they go so they can never return
Under the European Convention for Human Rights they have a right to a family life. We can't deport them. There are plenty of UK taxpayer funded charities and human rights lawyers ready to take their case to court.

We have to re-think our whole approach, we seem to be in a worse place now than when the Twin Towers were brought down or the bombings in London on the tube, obviously our current methodology just isn't working. Don't ask me what the solution is though, I'm not sure what their ultimate aim is (if this was ISIS or similar), I think if we knew it would be so alien to our way of life to be completely intolerable.

We are like lambs to the slaughter and because of the nature of the attacks or security services can't hope to stop every attack.

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