Manchester Bombing *** Please remain respectful and refrain from antagonising posts ***

There's quite often armed police with assault rifles and MP5s walking around at places like Waterloo, it'll be interesting to see if that changes on my commute tomorrow, as Waterloo is one of the busiest places in London at rush hours
the guy on Sky makes a good point, in that the attacker - despite appearing to be a lone wolf did manage to produce an effective bomb, that means it's highly likely that there was a support network of some sort behind that, in terms of providing materials, training etc... Compared to the Westminster attack, which obviously just required a nutter with a car.
What does this have to do with Manchester? If you want to make a thread for other things then nothing is stopping you.
It has nothing to do with what happened in Manchester. But what it does or is trying to do is point out to the Behave ! in here that muslims themselves are targets of terrorists, whether they be Muslim or another religion.

I would have thought you of all people could have seen that.
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It has nothing to do with what happened in Manchester. But what it does or is trying to do is point out to the in here that muslims themselves are targets of terrorists, whether they be Muslim or another religion.

I would have thought you of all people could have seen that.

So you want the thread full of arguments about this? I don't.
I've been following Indonesia situation, yes they are, you know why they are?

Islamic terrorism.

That's why. They got attacked and then attacked back.

Exactly. The sole reason they are fighting back is because they have had their religion oppressed. They've come to the realisation that all the peace in the world aint going to save their religion.

They're fighting fire with fire.
We need to be a bit more tough on nipping this in the bud quicker. Intelligence should be all over these raids more than they are and not get caught up with the whole not enough evidence yet stuff.

I know they are doing a good job of foiling but clearly there is a growing number of these cretins from within that need sorting now.
But the world is becoming less violent as societies progress, I don't think it is inevitable that something will replace it. If the rest of the world outside Europe didn't exist then the violence we experience as humans would have just been the remnants of nationalist movements/sectarian divide - i.e. ETA, the IRA etc.. and perhaps some militant communist or right wing groups. The issue being simply fringe ideologies. As we become more civilised these sorts of things are less common.
Unfortunately IMO that's rather wishful thinking.

The world has certainly become a less violent place, at least for the moment, but I'm exceedingly doubtful that other European/U.K. based terrorist organizations won't rear their ugly heads in the future. Thats especially true as nationalism and sectarianism appears to be on the rise again (see Scottish independence and Brexit as examples)*.

*note, I'm not saying either of those will give rise to terrorism, rather using them to point out the rise in nationalism and increasing division in the UK and Europe in recent years.
the guy on Sky makes a good point, in that the attacker - despite appearing to be a lone wolf did manage to produce an effective bomb, that means it's highly likely that there was a support network of some sort behind that, in terms of providing materials, training etc... Compared to the Westminster attack, which obviously just required a nutter with a car.

This will now make people realise that explosive devices are still a real threat in the UK. Not just knifes or cars.
We need to be a bit more tough on nipping this in the bud quicker. Intelligence should be all over these raids more than they are and not get caught up with the whole not enough evidence yet stuff.

I know they are doing a good job of foiling but clearly there is a growing number of these cretins from within that need sorting now.

You know that they've foiled 5 attackes since Westminster, but you're right, they should listen to you and try harder to keep you safe so you can type away from your keyboard.
By Church I presume you're talking about the Roman Catholic Church? They get a bad press these days but actually they were trying their best. You have to remember that once the Roman empire fell (to barbarians - sound eerily familiar?) there was basically no government anymore, so the Church stepped in and did its best to provide some form of much needed authority - not saying they were perfect (it is a man-made institution after all), but the Church did plenty of good as well as a bit of bad every now and then. One thing that's really surprising if you read up on it is the Crusader states. Revisionist historians like to portray these as cruel, imperialist white-men enslaving the local Muslim population but actually, that couldn't be further from the truth - they were often bastions of multi-cultural tolerance, even plenty of Muslims liked living there because it was preferable to life in the Caliphate.

Im sure thats exactly what many think about ISIS and Syria. ;)

Justifying bad for the "greater good" and your actions as a response to the situation at the time. Add in a little haze from history, a bit of bias about the enemy ("barbarians") and garnish with some of your own personal spin.
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