Okay, putting BF4 Mantle in a "plus and Minus" vein, please feel free to pick from this and tell me I am wrong.
On the Mantle plus:
- More fps
On the minus side:
- Stutter
- big frame drops
- fogging
- crashing
- memory leaks
Am I so wrong?
I know a few other people have jumped on this already but it's a decent list to reply to and you did invite replies.
So this is my experience from tonight, from you know, no offence, actually trying it. Your posts do seem to be coming across as taking everything you're reading on the internet a bit too seriously. This is the 'net, people wine and moan and tend to have a love for over exaggerating.
- More fps
To be honest on this one I've not really bothered benching but from having the FPS counter up, yes possibly more. Certainly a lot more stable.
- Stutter
- big frame drops
- fogging
- crashing
- memory leaks
Stutter - I do get the odd CPU spike on the perfoverlay graph but not all of these are that noticeable in game. But on the flip side it's worse in DX.
big frame drops - depends on what you mean but yes there is large variance between min fps and max fps over the course of a round. But again, worse on DX and this is a real time 3D engine with loads of dynamic stuff going on, so of course the fps is going to drop at some point.
fogging - can't say I've noticed but then I've not sat there comparing pixels on static images looking for issues. I've been too busy enjoying a smoother experience on higher settings than before. Though saying that, there is definitely something off, to my eyes, with the image calibration. I don't think there is a drop in terms of what is being rendered, so much as it looks like someone has turned down the colour and upped the brightness and contrast.
crashing - I did have two crashes in several hours of play tonight. but I've had much worse nights under DX before. The game is just broke in places. I've had nights where I can game all night under DX with out issue but get one crash that night and chances are there are more to come. So jury is out on this one but so far it's no worse than before.
memory leaks - I'd need to have a longer session and set up some perfmon stats but this could be a possibility as the last round I played before calling it a night something odd was going on. But then I've not checked my logs to see if anything was updating it's self etc in the back ground.
Overall - Is it perfect, no. Is it better than running under DX, imo yes and the fact that there is room for improvement makes me all the more excited for it.
All of the issues you list, bar maybe the memory leak and fogging, happen under DX. They happen in BF4, they happen in most PC games to an extent. Is it worse under mantle, imo no the situation is better so it's an improvement on what we had before. Which to me makes it a successful test, as that is what this still is.. a test.
This is something that needs to happen and probably should have happened a while ago. But then I'm of the opinion that I wish someone had the balls to reinvent the PC from scratch and ditch the last 30/40 years of legacy nonsense and backwards compatibility etc.
So though I can see where you are coming from from what you have read I do think you are coming across as jumping on the negatives, getting caught up in the hype and exaggerating for effect. Though you are far from the only one or worst at doing so.