Marvel Studios Loki

Ep3 was one of the worst episodes of TV i think i've ever sat through; bad writing, boring, terrible acting and rubbish set pieces and use of CGI. What a let down.

I felt the urge to look in to things after, specifically the writing side of it; seem this one was responsible for it: - why on earth is someone with her writing 'pedigree' given free reign on a huge and highly anticipated TV show like this? Makes no sense at all. A gamble that backfired massively.

Apparently she's the 'creator' of Miss Marvel too!! Jesus wept. Brace yourselves people.
I personally don't really rate Tom Hiddlestone as an actor . I think he is fairly average, and that Loki could have been better cast all this time.
Loki is to the Avengers as to Joey in Friends...great in a group and small doses but meh when that's all you get, and this isn't the same portrayal of Loki as in the movies is it?
Just look at the people who make it, on IMDB...
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Loki is to the Avengers as to Joey in Friends...great in a group and small doses but meh when that's all you get, and this it's the same portrayal of Loki as in the movies is it?
Just look at the people who make it, on IMDB...

Sort of agree. He was sort of the cheesy comic relief type character. Alright in small doses, but a whole TV series?! Hm...
Is it juts me that is liking all these Marvel Tv shows on D+? I'm entertained, they look great, have interesting stories... Maybe I am simple or maybe I just like easy viewing and entertaining Tv.
Is it juts me that is liking all these Marvel Tv shows on D+? I'm entertained, they look great, have interesting stories... Maybe I am simple or maybe I just like easy viewing and entertaining Tv.

They are a step above most of the rubbish that is put out these days. I enjoy them for the most part.
I actually didn't mind episode 3.

Though when you really think about it, this Loki was fresh out of 2012 after being defeated by the Avengers. He shouldn't have the character development that we saw through Dark World, Thor 3 and Infinity War.

Yes he watched his 'life' on that device, and I'm sure that would make you introspective but not in the same way as living it.
To me episode 3 felt like a copy of a Doctor Who episode, with suddenly being on a planet about to be destroyed, and then getting past guards using psychic paper... I mean a psychic disguise, to try and stop their destruction.
It wasn't as awful as some are making out, I think people are a little thrown off by Sylvie atm.

She seems pretty awful. They've splashed the cash on Hiddleston and Owen and then hired some random school Mum type to play the part. There's absolutely no chemistry between the two Loki's.
I thought she was pretty good, chemistry between the two lokis good too

I think this is just people complaining about female versions of male characters :rolleyes::p (even though clearly she is distancing herself from being a "loki" by changing name, hair colour, vague about her parents etc)
It's the same story with all the Marvel series so far - it's as if they had a drawer full of rejected movie ideas - "solo movie with Wanda and Vision", "how Falcon became Captain America (again)", "how Bucky stopped being Winter Soldier", "solo adventures of Loki(s)" and then decided to turn that "rejected" pile into 6-8 hour series on a shoe string. Most money spent on the main cast, whatever's left goes towards "fancy" set - four episodes on recycled single room with a kitchen soundstage set, entire episode between shipping containers, entire episode in Ministry of Sound bunker foyer and so on... Poor writing, phone-in acting, nothing added to the canon, just feels like missed opportunity.
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