Marvel Vs Capcom 3

I think that after the game has been out for a while, and proper strategies and counters are developed to the point where 'skill' is more apparent and gets rewarded, is when many of the 'serious' fighting game players will like the game more.

x-factor is a major stumbling block for that though. Capcom really should change it. Probably not remove completely (not that they'll do that).
People say the same about ultras in sfiv. Ultras are just like xfactor regarding comeback factor for scrubs.

A faster paced sfiv without rewarding players for getting spanked, and marvel without damage increase on xfactor (keep no chip, scaling reset to 60%, move cancelling and speed increase properties) would be much better.
Anyone else here had any problems with Gamestation at all? I had one of the orders that got stuck as unshipped, had to re-order and now they've just sent me the normal edition of the game.

I know the steelbook is seperate, but did you guys who ordered through them get it in the same postal package or another?

I've mailed them but I can't see it getting me very far. Sorry for interrupting the actual game chat, would love to play myself but I guess it's going to be fired straight back to Gamestation.

Yeah i have a problem with them as well. Apparently they dispatched it on the weds so it should have arrived on release day for sure but at the moment I'm waiting 15 days before I can claim that it's been lost :/

I have a feeling they didn't dispatch anything as my friend as preordered the steelbook edition and is in the same exact situation somehow.
Your experience seems identical to how all the sfii and 3s fans felt with sfiv. These games aren't really catering for experienced fg players and they're usually disappointed with the new releases.

TBH, I loved 3rd strike because of the characters more than the system. My fav character was Urien.

Though I like SSF4, just not as much.

Justin Wong Responded to this question on MVC3:

"Now, the game has been receiving a number of criticism from well known players in the scene, with you not being a stranger to this with your infamous 7 stages-of-grief image, but you changed your mind fairly quickly after. What do you personally have to say about this?

Justin Wong: I still think the game is too cheap, but I do find the game is fun with the wacky teams I play. I like fighting cheap stuff."
What BnBs are everyone using? I've been looking to learn to play some more chars, but many of the so called BnBs on combo threads are REALLY hard to do which puts me off. There's probably much easier ones for every char, but I haven't been able to find them. So if y'all could share, that'd be awesome :)
(I dont mean magic series -> S, magic series -> S, Hyper combos)

Mine are:
(Some of the aerial parts can be changed. I often use M, H instead of M, M, H, etc)

L, M, H, S, SJ, M, H, qcf.L, H, S, SJ, M, H, qcf.H, qcb.L, mash H, gun Hyper

L, M, H, S, SJ, M, H, air drill, d + H, H, S, SJ, M, H, air drill ... then either
... Fatal something Hyper
... S, df+M with assist

Those 2 are probably my easiest to do, but damaging BnBs.

Others (which have hard parts, or arent that damaging) are..

Iron Man
L, cr.M, H, S, SJ, M, M, air jump, M, H, S, bombs, Proton Cannon (corner)
out of corner, you need to dash after landing and then do the bombs, but I find it hard to do consistently.

Sentinel (extremely basic, mentioning it because it's all you need with Sent)
cr.M, S, SJ, M, (H) (aerial part seems like it's character/corner dependant), S, qcf.L, either Hyper

Storm (combo damage doesnt seem that good)
cr.L, cr.M, cr.H, jump cancel, M, M, H, H, S, SJ, M, H,...
... S, Ice Storm
... (atk + S) x 3

Teleport above, H/S, cr.M, H, qcf.M, spam H to teleport, H, S, SJ, M, H, S, df+H + call assist, Hyper/H/S

cr.M, H, cr.H, qcf.L, M, H, cr.H, qcf.L, M, S, SJ, M, M, df+ H, qcf+S, Hyper

These are good. I've been trying to work out a really good b'n'b for Dante.

But yeah, Sentinel's b'n'b is so easy. It's also quite safe because his launcher has such huge range.
I have a nice corner combo I use a lot with Sentinel involves a dante assist.

I dont really know how you write combos out but ill try

Jump in S, S, air.M, H into flight, l, l, m, m, h, S > l rocket punch, hyper sentinel force - S, dante assist ( jam session), SJ, S, l rocket punch, plasma storm

Dont know if this makes sense but it costs two bars and does DAMAGE

also Storm

j, j S for instant overhead, lmh, jump dwn-frwd lightening attack, stand m, h, s, air m, h lightening attack x 3 > lightening storm
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Played this today with my brother picked it up from Morrybobs for £35 its super fun! Only really used Dante/Trish/X-23 and by far my fav team + Easy to pick up and play unlike SF4 for example
when you super jump after the S launcher, the first 2 commands can be easily 'buffered'.

So with the dante combo I posted earlier, do the launcher, hold up (or up towards), immediately press M then H. When you see H start to come out, do the qcf + L (or H).

Let's say you wanted MMH before the special move. Again, just press M then M again as soon as you jump. When the second M comes out, you can mash H. When you see that come out, do the command for the special.

As for things like air dash combos, start with a shortened version, and once you can do it, add the next move.

Launch, SJ, H then..
Launch, SJ, H, Air dash then...
Launch, SJ, H, Air Dash, M

etc etc
Well lost first game and won 2nd then it wasnt able to find a 3rd online game thou i admit i button bash mainly i only really know Dante moves.

Dante/X-23/Felcia seem to suit my best or Felcia out for Trish sometimes.
im thinking of giving up fighting games altogether. just cand seem do do anything more complicated than a l.m.h.s.m.m.h.s tho i can do ariel crossover combos which just involve pressing up and s.

Any tips on how to get better?

Lots of practice. You just need to practice stuff over and over again until it becomes second nature to you.
Played this around a mates earlier on tonight and I was quite surprised to see that unlike Marvel Super Heroes the game doesn't use 6 attack buttons, instead it uses 4.

I actually found it easier to play on the standard pad as a result instead of my tournament fightstick :(
GGs Art, had not played for a few days (trying Rift out) and was finding it a bit of a mission to block at first, still got caught out by the shorts towards the end though.

I hate Wolverine! Went into training and got the j.h loop as Magneto down again now...I think, just need to do it against you in a real match. ;>
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