Marvel Vs Capcom 3

Nobody using Pheonix on here? I've been playing ranked non stop for 2 days and no where near as much Pheonix's as I expected.

Anyone catch winter brawl stream over the weekend? Really good, first time seeing moderatley high level play. There was some incredible magneto players.
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I've been reminded of why I didn't do ranked matches in SF4.

Some moron had a team of morrigan for meter assist, and dante/deadpool for 'fast' ranged Hypers. So all he did was use meter assist and do random full screen Hypers. The chip damage sucked, as was his general play, so when I killed morrigan and he was down to 1 char, he just quit. -.-
Then the little troll decided to msg me about it.

I've been reminded of why I didn't do ranked matches in SF4.

Some moron had a team of morrigan for meter assist, and dante/deadpool for 'fast' ranged Hypers. So all he did was use meter assist and do random full screen Hypers. The chip damage sucked, as was his general play, so when I killed morrigan and he was down to 1 char, he just quit. -.-
Then the little troll decided to msg me about it.


Am I right in thinking Capcom are tracking rage quitters and will match them up only against other rage quitters after a certain threshold?
Had a few people quit just after i've beaten them. Didn't log the win? Really unfair. On a positive my Marvel fight pad should be here tomorrow! :)
Spiderman annoys me.... He's so damn fast!!

Played it for the first time the other night, Dante, Wolverine and Thor, definitely a good team selection for moi.

Disappointed with the lack of Juggernaut! But I guess he was left out because Hulk is there.
I've been reminded of why I didn't do ranked matches in SF4.

Some moron had a team of morrigan for meter assist, and dante/deadpool for 'fast' ranged Hypers. So all he did was use meter assist and do random full screen Hypers. The chip damage sucked, as was his general play, so when I killed morrigan and he was down to 1 char, he just quit. -.-
Then the little troll decided to msg me about it.


lol i lost and beaten a few people like that. i only win when their lag switch failed them:p

once i kill one of their character, all shall be smash to pieces by x factor hulk
Just read an article on future DLC of this game. I was most interested in spectator mode, but from the looks of things it's not going to happen. Apparently there's much more data on screen than SSF4 and it's not possible for them to make it without causing lots of lag. Son I am disappoint.
Everyone seemed to think a spectator mode DLC/patch was going to be released pretty quickly.

I wouldn't mind if spectator mode meant spectators lagged 5sec+ behind the actual match, as long as it was present.
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brother just got this, and from i an see everyone is already unlocked?

i remember putting unreal hours into getting point to unlock people in mvc2, and here were soooo many fighters then. This on the other hand in terms of stuff to do and number of fighters is really disappointing!
Still not picked this up, Iron man was one of my fave chars on the arcade, him wolverin and venom. How do these play in this incarnation?

As above, I had the same problem with tekken 6.
Received in the mail popped in the disc, went to select my char to start completing Arcade mode with everyone one by one to unlock stuff... All the chars already unlocked :(

Really effected my playtime ended up playing it so little lol
There are 4 characters to unlock.
Plus, these games aren't about fighting the AI IMO.

wow, a whole four! who is it anyway? and how does one unlock them?

i have always prefered AI fighting to online. sitting with my brother/friends unlocking characters, then using them against east other, a lot of fun.
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