US: Marvels Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (US timeline) *spoilers*

Caught some of this the other night, typical Josh Whedon dross that for some ungodly reason people lap up like crack. Completely one dimensional characters and same old same old plots, im sure this show will go far ....not.
In reality it is a kids tv show. James Bond violence, some minor plot holes and suspensions of disbelief.

What more do you expect from a kids tv show?
Coulson and Melinda May are interesting and wouldn't mind seeing that aspect fleshed out more. Most of the rest of the characters to watch their scenes is like babysitting a bunch of very annoying kids (to borrow from what someone said above) theres no way I'm going to intentionally put myself through it.

I like a lot of Josh Whedon's work but this one seriously needs to be majorly rewritten.
Would be good if people were to bare in mind that it's mainly his Joss Whedon's brother and sister-in-law who are responsible for this show rather than Joss himself...
It's crying out for a meaty season length story arc... the one offs aren't doing it any favours.

It could also do with dropping the constant tongue in cheek dialogue, sure keep it light if you want to - but the bad Dawnson's Creek style line delivery turns good cheese into bad :(
Caught some of this the other night, typical Josh Whedon dross that for some ungodly reason people lap up like crack. Completely one dimensional characters and same old same old plots, im sure this show will go far ....not.

Tbh this is the first weak Whedon show I've seen.
I think some of you folk have forgotten how bad the other shows Whedon was involved in started and are mistaking what you think you remember about their early days with the reality (especially in terms of characterisations), at four episodes in Buffy and Dollhouse were both absolute cack , Angel was pretty bad until Doyle was replaced 7 episodes in, there was only really Firefly that was strong right off the bat.
Even Firefly was overrated for me personally. (and I love scifi)

One of the problems I think with firefly is when you go in having had people hype it up. Watching it for the first time with no real expectations and not knowing what to expect I really enjoyed it.

Main problem with Dollhouse IIRC was it didn't really seem to be going anywhere and when it did go anywhere it was a massive jump from where it was vaguely headed, I found it passable but not something I'd be in a hurry to watch.
I sat down with my oldest son to watch this, he gave up lol

I carried on watching this series its pretty good, sometimes abit slowish and there does seem to be something missing at times with the casts chemistry?
It helps so much when they show Skye in her bra and knickers.

Talking of which, where's the gifs :mad:

not watched this ep yet, not sure if im watching it waiting for it to be good, or watching it because i enjoy it, but i saw these on another forum for ya...



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