*** Mass Effect 3 ***

Unlocks on Tuesday

Edit: Maybe i should have refreshed first :p

I do that a lot :p

I think the only reason i even started playing multiplayer was because i was afraid to complete singleplayer and witness the **** ending. I guess even if they do change it (which they wont) it wont be for weeks and I dont think i can hold off finishing sp for that long.
Changing the ending would be akin to admiting they screwed up, and they won't do that any time soon.
Changing the ending would be akin to admiting they screwed up, and they won't do that any time soon.

But now the indoctrination theory is out there, they're now able to change the ending whilst saving face by saying they planned it that way all along.
Is it possible to sell this game once completed, or is it tied permanently to one Origin account? I'm done with the game now and want to be rid of it!

This one was very lack lustre compared to the others in terms of characters and story. :(
Tied to Origin, pretty sure you can't do anything about it.

I wouldn't want to sell it until all this mess is sorted anyway, and something is confirmed. I thought 98% of the game was excellent
Ok so maybe it's me, I am pretty happy with the ending, I enjoyed every minute playing ME3 for what it was, an emotional conclusion to a very good trilogy.

Anyway I can live with it, even if the masses hate it.
Ok so maybe it's me, I am pretty happy with the ending, I enjoyed every minute playing ME3 for what it was, an emotional conclusion to a very good trilogy.

Anyway I can live with it, even if the masses hate it.

the ending in itself i can deal with, the lack of any conclusion of what happened to everyone after the end and some serious plot holes is what annoys me.
Just tried to start the first game again ....I don't know, I just couldn't do it. It all seemed pointless.

I honestly can't believe I haven't even attempted to play ME3 again. I thought I would be starting a second playthrough straight away..... I am layed up in bed atm as well after an OP, and I can't play anything!

Glad you enjoyed the ending Furbs, even if I can't quite understand it.
Yes i fired up ME1 yesterday and could not click start and did the same with ME3. I guess im hoping for some sort of DLC soon
I honestly can't believe I haven't even attempted to play ME3 again. I thought I would be starting a second playthrough straight away.

Ive intentionally not finished ME3, i know full well that once i experience that ending for myself, i'll be so cheesed off, ME3's replay value will evaporate.
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No, they aren't.

There is a reason why shops are not allowed to sell pre-owned movies and CD's next to their brand new counterparts.

What's that got to do with the price of eggs? They're still allowed to sell them, and last time I went into a brick-and-mortar game shop (all those long years ago), they were selling used games. Obviously they're on a different shelf to the new games, but how does that make used game sales bad?

Even from a publisher's point of view, for a used game sale to take place, then it must have been purchased new at some point. It's not like filesharing, because the person selling it now does not have a copy of the product to continue playing. So what's the problem?
What's that got to do with the price of eggs? They're still allowed to sell them, and last time I went into a brick-and-mortar game shop (all those long years ago), they were selling used games. Obviously they're on a different shelf to the new games, but how does that make used game sales bad?

I have no idea what you just said.

Also I edited my post slightly with more info.

Also why are you talking about eggs?
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