*** Mass Effect 3 ***

Gotta say, I'm about two thirds through ME3 after a curiosity buy and I'm stunned at how much I'm enjoying it. I have Hitman and Ass Creed 3 sitting on hold now until I finish it.
hopefully I can overcome my rage over the ending(doubt it:p), though tbh I don't want any of the endings, so will probably play up until Priority: Earth.

You'll be pleased to know there's a mod called MEHEM ( Mass Effect happy ending mod ) currently being worked on on BSN, it does away with the god aweful ending, tis very much a beta work in progress but showing lots of potential.

MEHEM thread on BSN
You'll be pleased to know there's a mod called MEHEM ( Mass Effect happy ending mod ) currently being worked on on BSN, it does away with the god aweful ending, tis very much a beta work in progress but showing lots of potential.

MEHEM thread on BSN

Well thats pretty damned epic considering ME isn't exactly known for being mod friendly.

Sort of makes me wish my ME games weren't xbox versions :p *exits thread before hes burned at the stake*
From what I remember you can't holster your weapon but it never really bothered me.

The citadel has changed layout yet again, I prefer the newer citadel to the version in 2 but neither can hold a candle to the feel of the original citadel.

As for the old team members, be patient!

Don't forget much of the citadel internals were destroyed at the end of the first game, so reconstruction may be been to a different design and layout.
You'll be pleased to know there's a mod called MEHEM ( Mass Effect happy ending mod ) currently being worked on on BSN, it does away with the god aweful ending, tis very much a beta work in progress but showing lots of potential.

MEHEM thread on BSN

I do still occasionally go on BSN(yeah I am obsessed:o) but I haven't seen that, so thanks for the heads up. It looks great, and much needed. Getting rid of Space-Wizard entirely is definitely a step in the right direction!

Edit- apparently Leviathan is gonna be 400pts on Origin Black Friday weekend....and I have 600 points in my account.
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where do you see 7,49Ł ?

On Origin.

Does anyone think they're going to have fun with this considering we know what happens and how pointless a story it'll be :/ I wish they'd(anyone) would stop releasing DLC content that takes places between the start>end of a game post release.

All this content would make a much, much longer and better experience in the final product, whether or not it was made during or after. Ffff.
That or spend the effort making post game content, I'd buy that, not this.
Does anyone think they're going to have fun with this considering we know what happens and how pointless a story it'll be :/

No.....Why should I care about taking back Omega?...it isn't like Shepard is just mulling around with nothing better to do. There is no chance of me buying any ME3 dlc anyway, but especially something that will have no impact on the ending(apart from the almighty EMS of course....I am tempted for another 300EMS!!).

I am half way through ME atm and I have to say the Reapers have no menace left anymore.....and I can't take anything Sovereign says seriously at all. "We are beyond your comprehension" ....well he got that right!
EAware's last cheque must have bounced!


BioWare is trying something different with Mass Effect 3: Omega. After Leviathan, a story-fuelled race around the galaxy that wrapped revelatory new lore around dazzling locations and likeable characters, Mass Effect fans get the opposite. Omega is a dark, hard-fought slog through the belly of the dingy Mass Effect 2 space station. It rambles, it gets lost, and it ultimately feels weightless.

Omega's story centres on angry asari **** T'loak. She's on a mission to reclaim rule following a Cerberus coup (for full details, read the comics). Whether you'll be interested really depends on whether you like the character - this add-on is an entirely separate four-hour diversion from Mass Effect 3's main arc. At no point does anyone else you've met throughout the game's 40-plus hours matter a jot. This is a side-story, a complete digression. There's nothing wrong with that, of course - except that when it's over, everything feels exactly the same.

This may be why BioWare ultimately decided not to include a planned Omega mission in the main game. A different version of T'loak's quest to regain control exists in an early version of the game's script, despite BioWare's protestations that work on this downloadable content was not started until Mass Effect 3 shipped. Omega is perfect DLC fodder, on the surface similar to Mass Effect 2's Lair of the Shadow Broker. Both campaigns are hinted at within the main game and both feature a well-known character on a personal mission. Yet where Shadow Broker offered up new locations, plot progression and a nifty new base to hang around in, Omega offers none of the above.

Instead, Omega is most comparable to Mass Effect 2's Arrival, a disappointing expansion that saw Shepard leave his team behind and embark on a meandering quest to bridge the story between Mass Effect 2 and 3. Here Shepard isn't even able to do that, and once the excuses are made that he must go alone (**** doesn't like who he travels with, apparently), your squadmates and the Normandy are gone. It's an excuse that barely works in Arrival and serves no story purpose here. Shepard leaves his crack team, only to find himself needing another crack team to retake Omega.
I am very surprised....
It is a weird one Omega, tis over priced for what it is, visually some of it's brilliant, combat wise it gets a bit samey fast, and BW missed a helluva opportunity to use the Adjutant to it's max ability, instead relegating it to just another blandola baddie to kill, i mean Banshees worry me far more.

Omega is just far too self contained for its own good, Leviathan had an impact, Omega, zero impact with regards your shipmates/squaddies/rest of the ME Universe. it's like Shep went for an unusually long pee, theres just no comments what so ever.

Oh & some of the side quests, perlease, & don't even get me started on Nyrene. :rolleyes:

I'll give it 6/10.

If your a completionist & must have all the DLC, wait till it's on sale, cos it is over priced, it doesn't stack up favourably next to Leviathan to my mind.
Just finished ME3 and have got to say I really enjoyed all of it. Got it cheap for something to do until Creed, Cry and Absolution came out. The ending was a bit frustrating after all poor Shep wen't through though. I should have done a bit more in the way of stacking up allies but that's hindsight for you. And not looking up the ending on Wiki!
9 out of 10 for me overall.
I am half way through Virmire in ME atm. Even though I have played it so many times, it is still great!

I just hacked a computer on a planet which told me about shipments being diverted to another planet, so I landed on the planet and drove around until I found a hidden structure, I then took out some mercs, and spoke to the leader and got a neat little story from him.....how did we get from that to ME3's barely overheard ramblings which lead you to a different room a few feet away in 6 years:( ....it is pathetic really.
Marauder Shields wipes the bloody floor with ME3's god aweful writing, ide love to know what went wrong, did they just not give a stuff any more?. Any way, roll on the debt: pt 2.
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