*** Mass Effect 3 ***

I know he was reduced to just an incidental character in ME3, how ever, Zaeed Massani's VA Robin Sachs has died, which is such a shame, i had a helluva soft spot for Zaeed in ME2, & was thoroughly looking forward to him returning in ME3.

Robin Sachs dies aged 61

RIP Robin Sachs, you big goddamn hero.

Zaeed is awesome. I'm replaying ME2 and roating Zaeed/Garrus/Kasumi/Mordin in squad as they are my faves. :)
Just got to the citadel in ME2. Even though it's like my 5th time through ME2, I'd never noticed that the shops have the sim city music playing in the background. Each shop has a different track playing.

Love easter eggs like this :D
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Does anyone still indulge in multiplayer on this?

I've only just started playing it so could be up for some if it's any good. :)

I completed ME2 last night and must say that game was immensely more enjoyable much more having played ME1 first. As a player you feel much more immersed and have much more of an attachment to your team and various other NPCs.

Imported my savegame into ME3 now, after a perfect playthrough of ME2...

No one died in the suicide mission and all the crew survived! \o/

I made a major mess of it last time seeing as I went through the Omega 4 relay way too early and hadn't completed many missions, so now I feel much happier. :) I just hope the Extended Cut has fixed the ME3 ending and it isn't as bad as people are saying...

BTW WTH is up with the GUI, it feels way to small for conversation choices, powers and the like... I thought ME2 had it just right.
The Extended Cut is better than the original ending, but the original ending was so bad that even a better ending is still fairly rubbish.

Main bonus of EC is that you don't end up feeling like you just shafted half the galaxy to beat the Reapers.
Does anyone still indulge in multiplayer on this?

I still play it but I will probably only play it on weekends now as I got the best of the best banner on Saturday and thats really all I wanted to achieve.

I might start playing a bit more when the new dlc comes out, but other than that I will mainly play for the weekend challenges as I still don't have a hurricane. I took a long break from this game and missed countless weekend challenges so I'm somewhat behind the curve as far as promotional weapons go.

My name is Handheld_Biscuit on origin, feel free to ask me any questions about MP as i've played it to death.
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Sorry if this has been covered. Probably has...

If you've played the console versions of ME2+3, you'll know that when you bring up the power wheel, you can still move the camera and designate targets etc.
Great for orchestrating team-based destruction :D
Is this not an option on PC? It's bugging me big time as it makes the game feel very stiff in comparison.
There's also the only being able to run in a straight line thing...

Am I missing a crucial option, or is this just the way it is?

Btw, I still haven't got round to getting my pad working in-game. Another ridiculous omission...

Anyone? :)
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