*** Mass Effect 3 ***

Live stream is up showing the new MP classes but im not sure for how much longer.

Watched that whilst it was up, shame ive never played ME3 MP, some of the new characters look like fun, liking the Awakened Collector.

Anyhoo, there's an all too brief Reckoning MP DLC trailer out now.

Yeah currently watching the recorded livestream. Some kits look like great fun. :)

They also look rediculously strong :p
I'll find out for myself tomorrow, i've saved up over 3 million credits so I should unlock all the kits if im lucky. I was hoping to someday max all my ultra rares, but with 4 more ultra rare weapons being introduced its looking less and less likely. I'm only 60% of the way to maxing the current ones.
I got the Geth Prime tonight (also unlocked a couple of the older characters, but not other Reckoning ones :( ) and I had a blast with it. Stats are very impressive, base health/shields are 1000/2000. After skills were applied, ended up with around 1400/3400 - with a shield armour mod, this can take a pounding!

On the downside, you can't run at all, just walk - so getting out of trouble once you're in it can be tough (not to mention that some other players seemed a bit annoyed that I wasn't rushing to revive them!). Also, can't take cover - but as the Prime is so tall, much of the scenery that another character could just stand behind still doesn't offer complete cover.
I got the Geth Prime tonight (also unlocked a couple of the older characters, but not other Reckoning ones :( ) and I had a blast with it. Stats are very impressive, base health/shields are 1000/2000. After skills were applied, ended up with around 1400/3400 - with a shield armour mod, this can take a pounding!

On the downside, you can't run at all, just walk - so getting out of trouble once you're in it can be tough (not to mention that some other players seemed a bit annoyed that I wasn't rushing to revive them!). Also, can't take cover - but as the Prime is so tall, much of the scenery that another character could just stand behind still doesn't offer complete cover.

He's pretty durable but I miss being able to run, I might get the 10 extractions challenge with him and then shelve him. I didn't give his siege pulse a chance when I first specced his skills, but it turns out its the best skill he has. I've seen a lot of players just max his pulse capacity and use it for the DR but it outputs some very good damage. I'm using a saber with him as it has a large clip at lv IX, so I dont have to worry about getting to an ammo box and i'm still getting nearly 200% power recharge bonus so I can spam seige pulse to my hearts content.

The alliance infiltration unit is probably my favourite so far mainly because I like using the claymore and she is the only infiltrator to get a shotgun damage boost out of cloak, she also happens to be pretty much unkillable.

I've got all the other characters bar the collector adept. I was hoping he would show his face after 4 million credits spent in the store but no such luck so far.

I haven't tried the other characters as of yet.
I got the geth juggerchugger in the gift pack and it's an absolute beast. I maxed out its fitness line so I ended up with something like 4600 shields. It just tanks like nothing else I've ever seen. The price is the inability to run or take cover, but it has some pretty handy tricks. The hex shield will provide cover from one direction if you get into trouble, and another of its powers is the cannon from geth primes, and it has a 50% stagger probability.

Also, I'm pretty sure it's immune to sync-kills. I've stood right in front of banshees and phantoms and not been instakilled. I've also never been staggered, so if you happen to be nearby a fallen team-mate, there's pretty much no force in this universe that can stop you completing the revive process.
I got the geth juggerchugger in the gift pack and it's an absolute beast. I maxed out its fitness line so I ended up with something like 4600 shields. It just tanks like nothing else I've ever seen. The price is the inability to run or take cover, but it has some pretty handy tricks. The hex shield will provide cover from one direction if you get into trouble, and another of its powers is the cannon from geth primes, and it has a 50% stagger probability.

Also, I'm pretty sure it's immune to sync-kills. I've stood right in front of banshees and phantoms and not been instakilled. I've also never been staggered, so if you happen to be nearby a fallen team-mate, there's pretty much no force in this universe that can stop you completing the revive process.

He cant be sync killed. It would be pretty unfair if a praetorian, phantom or a banshee closed in on you as they all have faster movement speeds than the juggernaut does. The problem is it takes 4 times as long to close in on a downed team mate, by that time they've either been curb stomped or bled out. I have to leave myself 40 seconds to get to extraction so that I make it in time :p I thought his geth turret was the same as the engineer but it turns out it's got a lot less shields. I just max its shield restore and either use it for myself and throw it behind cover or throw it at team mates if I see they're in trouble

I would not want to be the last person left on a wave with this class, especially a 4 device wave.

"Shepard, everyone is being killed in an incredibly horrific way...you need a place to chill!"

Thank God we finally get an apartment on the citadel for a mission or two until it gets destroyed!
The character writing in the Citadel DLC is frankly hysterically funny at times, i won't spoil it, but it had 8 writers working on it & i can see where the love went, it's going to be one of those DLC's that you need to play thru a number of times just to find all the little scenes 'n' easter eggs.

anyhoo, just a wee 30 second taster of pure awesomeness.

Some chick- "Commander, there are people trying to kill you"
Joker- "Yeah, I think he is aware of that"
chick- "I mean other people...NEW PEOPLE!"

Which of the 8 writers wrote that is what I want to know!:eek:
Frustrating rounds of Multiplayer tonight. Every time the round would end and we had to get to the Evac site two guys would instantly run towards the evac as soon as the round started. This of course meant that the whole <insert faction> freakin' army would descend upon the evac site making us die a lot. :( Why oh why is there no in game chat? Far better to lure them away for the first 45 seconds then make a dash for the Evac so the bad guys come on manageable waves rather than all of them hitting the Evac with 30 seconds to go. maddening!
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