*** Mass Effect 3 ***

Citadel DLC is great fun!!! :D

Now to push towards completing the game.

Absolutely loving this game, I'm just nervous about reaching the end!
Playing through this again myself. It's crazy how much that ending clouds your judgement. Just finished Omega and Leviathan, I thought they were seriously good. Omega felt looooooong, good value that imo.

Playing it straight after ME1 and ME2 really puts into perspective how much smoother and cleaner the combat is, also. Just the shooting, the reloading and the level up is so much better, and the level up options are a nice balance between ME1's unnecessarily large amount of points and ME2's unnecessarily small amount of points.
I've put about 25 hours into this on PS3, I'm just past the point where:

Spectre attack the Citadel

I've been sinking most of my time into the sidequests but I'm starting to feel the grind now. I'm sick of heading to the Citadel, every time I go there I end up picking up 5 or 6 quests which aren't even marked on my map. I had one given to me by Barla Von and for the life of me have no idea whatsoever where to go, there are no blue circles on the Galaxy Map. I'm not asking for the game to hold my hand but some sort of help would be appreciated now and then, the endless fetch quests are annoying and completely pointless.

Oh and I'm utterly sick of being forced to go back to the Citadel just to check a terminal, on PS3 the loading times are atrocious. Compared to ME2 the whole thing feels like a complete, un uniform mess. /Rant over

Is there any mods for this? just started playing.

Nope, not other than TexMod and the Happy Ending mod.

I'm addicted to the multiplayer aspect. Just got to level 20 Asari Vanguard. Enjoying this class a lot.

Anyone else still playing it? I haven't seen anyone on origin of late.
Nope, not other than TexMod and the Happy Ending mod.

I'm addicted to the multiplayer aspect. Just got to level 20 Asari Vanguard. Enjoying this class a lot.

Anyone else still playing it? I haven't seen anyone on origin of late.
I quit a few weeks ago - played it to death. Still have many URs to max out, just cba to do that now, finally had enough of it.

Had my fill of all the classes and weapons and looking forward to what they do in the next game.

Asariguard was one of my favourites - silly amounts of dps wrecks everything with charge, wraith/talon and lift grenades. I also liked the QFI+javelin, drell adept and then the new AIU melee build - AIU has the best melee in the game, it's like streetfighter in that you can just go around punching and kicking everything, can oneshot phantoms too with the uppercut (cloak, SF debuff and melee).

Ah, great game. Shame about the **** servers and login system, but great game nonetheless. :D
Add m e mate, Tesslacoil, I play Multiplayer quite a bit. I don't like Gold or Platinum though, does my head in!

Will add you tonight. I paly silver mostly too. Get about 70k with my asari vanguard typically. I just never seem to get any decent weapons. I have most of my common weapons at X, but everything higher is only I or II at best :/ Desperate to get a leveled up claymore, although I'm really enjoying the GPS with the asari :D

I quit a few weeks ago - played it to death. Still have many URs to max out, just cba to do that now, finally had enough of it.

Had my fill of all the classes and weapons and looking forward to what they do in the next game.

Asariguard was one of my favourites - silly amounts of dps wrecks everything with charge, wraith/talon and lift grenades. I also liked the QFI+javelin, drell adept and then the new AIU melee build - AIU has the best melee in the game, it's like streetfighter in that you can just go around punching and kicking everything, can oneshot phantoms too with the uppercut (cloak, SF debuff and melee).

Ah, great game. Shame about the **** servers and login system, but great game nonetheless. :D

I'm still enjoying it, but I'm not sure I'm playing it correctly as all I do is play a few rounds, buy a few veteran packs so I have no credits then play the same character. I've only promoted one class once, so my N7 score is only 121 IIRC. I never bother playing other classes so perhaps I should?

I like playing as salarian engineer (?) too - the one that has the incinerate and overload for tech explosions. Although I was finding it hard using only a pistol to keep the cooldowns low.

Totally agree about the **** server thing. Drives me up the wall when you're sitting there all ready, then just before it starts, "the hosting player has left". ****ing boils my ****.
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^Yeah definitely try every character - there's so many of them now, it's always good to mix it up every other match.

Promoting is completely unneccessary, and by no means a measure of skill - I promoted up to N7 360 only for weekend operations last year, and unless you want to grind the 60 promotions for the challenge/banner it is a waste of time.

Buy veterans until your uncommon weapons/mods are filled up (don't need to max them), then move onto spectre packs.

Get into playing gold as soon as possible because you'll make more credits that way, and then buy spectre packs most of the time until you get a decent amount of rares. Make sure to buy jumbo equipment packs if you are nearing 0 medigel (otherwise you may become a burden to the team, or just have to work extra hard to avoid being downed!

Every now and then you can splurge on a PSP, but you don't get as many consumables and have to weigh up the benefit of an extra rare/chance at UR vs more consumables.

Wait until you get the talon or wraith with the asariguard, and grenade capacity V gear - it decimates everything! :D
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^Yeah definitely try every character - there's so many of them now, it's always good to mix it up every other match.

Promoting is completely unneccessary, and by no means a measure of skill - I promoted up to N7 360 only for weekend operations last year, and unless you want to grind the 60 promotions for the challenge/banner it is a waste of time.

Buy veterans until your uncommon weapons/mods are filled up (don't need to max them), then move onto spectre packs.

Get into playing gold as soon as possible because you'll make more credits that way, and then buy spectre packs most of the time until you get a decent amount of rares. Make sure to buy jumbo equipment packs if you are nearing 0 medigel (otherwise you may become a burden to the team, or just have to work extra hard to avoid being downed!

Every now and then you can splurge on a PSP, but you don't get as many consumables and have to weigh up the benefit of an extra rare/chance at UR vs more consumables.

Wait until you get the talon or wraith with the asariguard, and grenade capacity V gear - it decimates everything! :D

Nice! Can't wait to get that :D I'm able to carry 4 nades atm, so I spent most of the time charging, then a shot gun blast and the finishing off a group with a nade while I still have the 40% biotic bonus from the charge. By the time I've done that, I can charge again and repeat. Easily get 70k in silver doing this :D
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Well I just completed ME3 (having done OCD completions of ME1 and ME2 beforehand!)

While the ending was emotional torture, I don't see what the problem is, at least with the extended cut.

I chose...

...to destroy the reapers, seeing as that's what I've spent all 3 damn games doing!

HOWEVER... I get the idea the ending isn't literal. Shepard took a breath at the end and it seems he's alive, so perhaps the whole battle was part of attempted indoctrination and I haven't shafted the Geth and EDI? I'm confused... I reckon Shep is still in London, just after the laser blast.

Regardless, as much as I loved Legion, I thought the control ending sounded too shaky, and I didn't trust that damned catalyst thing one bit.

Synthesis has got to be the worst choice, didn't go anywhere near that as you effectively accomplish the reaper's goal for them?

Anyway, Garrus and Liara (my squadmates) escaped, but I didn't see Garrus at the memorial service, wtf, bug? He was my brother from another mother FFS!
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Wow loved Citadel DLC!

The piano music that Liara plays (that glyph repeats) is awesome. Really nice simple cover of the original Mass Effect Vigil music. Nice touch :)
Just completed ME3 on hardcore, and it was pretty easy now that I properly understand how the biotics/tech explosions work etc. I fear I'm going to be in an endless ME loop, as right now all I want to do is fire up the first and go through them again! In fact I'm installing the Bring Down the Sky DLC right now :D

I've always played as paragon in ~5 ME, 4 ME2 and 2 ME3 playthroughs. Is the game much different if I play as renegade?
Just completed ME3 on hardcore, and it was pretty easy now that I properly understand how the biotics/tech explosions work etc. I fear I'm going to be in an endless ME loop, as right now all I want to do is fire up the first and go through them again! In fact I'm installing the Bring Down the Sky DLC right now :D

I've always played as paragon in ~5 ME, 4 ME2 and 2 ME3 playthroughs. Is the game much different if I play as renegade?

I have just finished 1&2 on Insanity mode and just started 3. I played ME1 without Bring down the sky but had the pinnacle station. ME2 had all DLCs but slipped up near the end. After my crew was taken I did`nt go the Omega Relay straight away. So it seems I lost everyone except for doctor Chakwah. Should have remembered, some things you can do after the Suicide mission.
And the same as you, always seem to end up playing Paragon, even when I set out to be a Bad###.
So far have played ME1x3, ME2 played all 6 catogories on Veteran, Hardcore and Insanity. ME3(with all DLCs), only have 2 catogories left to play on Insanity. Vanguard which I am playing now and then Infiltrator.
Funny thing was, I played ME2 before I got 1. I actually found it hard going to be honest. But have played it twice in the past 2 weeks and have really enjoyed it. I had a new install, but tried to play a second run through and change from Soldier to Vanguard but 1 is not as easy as 3 for changing the type of soldier you want to be.
Despite the ending in ME3, I have enjoyed every minute of every game. But ME3 is my favorite, the ability to roll one way or another, gives it a little more reality and flexibility when fighting up close. I get involved in more melee`s in 3 than the other two. Especially playing as a Vanguard, with Charge and Nova.
Well, enjoy your complete run through. :D
My playthrough of Mass Effect 3 where I did basically everything (except perfecting the citadel arena sidequests) took me about 40 hours I think, which is like 10-20 hours more than ME1 and ME2 for me. Quite impressive how much extra the DLC adds on, they're quite huge.

Was still disappointed in the ending just because there was only so much of the Blue, Green, Red choices they could fix, but still, as I said earlier in the thread it's amazing how much that ending colours your judgement. The rest of the game really was like 9 or 10/10 and really shows how biased the people who accused EA of paying off IGN for the score really were. It improved on everything from ME1 and ME2, was just a much smoother game overall and had much more replayability in my opinion.
Have read certain dlc are absolutely crucial to play me3, just wondering if thats true and which ones it refers to if it is true :)

Would like to know this too.

Just picked it up for 3 quid on offer, I could not say no, but also read that DLC might be needed to complete the story.
Have read certain dlc are absolutely crucial to play me3, just wondering if thats true and which ones it refers to if it is true :)

Not heard that nor have I found it to be true. I played ME3 when it first came out, without an ME2 import save. Have also played it since with all DLCs and a ME1 and 2(with all DLCs) import and the only difference has been some characters from 1&2 appearing in the game.
Would like to know this too.

Just picked it up for 3 quid on offer, I could not say no, but also read that DLC might be needed to complete the story.

Leviathan: gives some insight into the origins of the Reapers.

Citadel: is just a side mission, in my opinion, does`nt add anything to the final outcome.

Take Back Omega: just a side mission, again, just my opinion.

The only thing they add to the game are a couple of weapons and some war assets.
Unless you mean MEHEM.

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