*** Mass Effect 3 ***

So, I got this on launch and put ~5hours into it and stopped and went back to SWTOR - finally got round to replaying it and about 15hours in now and starting to enjoy it more so then the first attempt - but I was absolutely in bits yesterday during this:

Mordin's Death, I chose to cure the Genophage and as that cut scene started I knew what was about to happen, he was my favorite character, honestly they could kill off everyone else (the way its going that's the pattern, I've not completed it yet so no further spoilers pls) - but I was so upset, that 3minute scene really got to me :(
So, I got this on launch and put ~5hours into it and stopped and went back to SWTOR - finally got round to replaying it and about 15hours in now and starting to enjoy it more so then the first attempt - but I was absolutely in bits yesterday during this:

Mordin's Death, I chose to cure the Genophage and as that cut scene started I knew what was about to happen, he was my favorite character, honestly they could kill off everyone else (the way its going that's the pattern, I've not completed it yet so no further spoilers pls) - but I was so upset, that 3minute scene really got to me :(

I was the same. That mission was epic, though.

Also, Thane. Grrrr!
Frustrating rounds of Multiplayer tonight. Every time the round would end and we had to get to the Evac site two guys would instantly run towards the evac as soon as the round started. This of course meant that the whole <insert faction> freakin' army would descend upon the evac site making us die a lot. :( Why oh why is there no in game chat? Far better to lure them away for the first 45 seconds then make a dash for the Evac so the bad guys come on manageable waves rather than all of them hitting the Evac with 30 seconds to go. maddening!

That will never change :p At least the credits lost for a non extraction are minimal. The best thing to do is just leave them to bleed out and run circles around the map until the last 30 seconds or so. They will get the message eventually.

You could always try using your mic and telling them where they're going wrong. I rarely use my mic as nobody else ever seems to either and it feels a bit odd using it, in situations like that it may be worth using it.

Are you trying to do this weeks challenge? Theres 3 promotional weapons in it if you can manage to get insane extractions against all factions.
So, I got this on launch and put ~5hours into it and stopped and went back to SWTOR - finally got round to replaying it and about 15hours in now and starting to enjoy it more so then the first attempt - but I was absolutely in bits yesterday during this:

Mordin's Death, I chose to cure the Genophage and as that cut scene started I knew what was about to happen, he was my favorite character, honestly they could kill off everyone else (the way its going that's the pattern, I've not completed it yet so no further spoilers pls) - but I was so upset, that 3minute scene really got to me :(

Yeah that was incredible. Bioware can still write really great moments....just a shame they can't string together any kind of half-decent narrative for them to appear in:(
So I finally started playing ME3 for a second time after going through from start to finish of 1 and 2. Holy Hell it's better than I remember. Plus, I've bought all the DLC whereas the last time I played it I only had the prothean DLC. Just completed Leviathan and it was amazing - gave that mass effect feeling you remember from the first time you played ME1 :D Makes star brat make a little more sense, but I'm going to replace him with MEHEM I think.

Which is better: MEHEM or EC?
Just played through ME3 with all the DLC. Omega was a bit weak, Leviathan and Citadel were great.

Alt-F4ed at the end when presented with the choices, none of them make any sense.
Just played through ME3 with all the DLC. Omega was a bit weak, Leviathan and Citadel were great.

Alt-F4ed at the end when presented with the choices, none of them make any sense.

Standard ending? You should try MEHEM. Supposedly rewrites the entire ending scenes, but I haven't go that far yet.
Which is better: MEHEM or EC?
Mehem is great. Completely gets rid of Casper and reunites Shep with the crew. You fight the reapers, the crucible *cringe* fires and the Reapers are defeated. It is hardly seamless, but better than Bioware's offerings.

In EC, after probably the most epic moment of the whole trilogy(Anderson's death), you get this ridiculous holographic kid pop up and spout a load of BS which contradicts everything that has happened, not just through the series, but throughout the same game. Then after Shepard has listened patiently to the king of the reapers as he tells him what to do, without being able to argue, you are given 3 choices, each more abhorrent than the last, then a mufti-coloured explosion goes off and some random characters step out of a shuttle on a random world, Or alternatively you could defy the main antagonist of the whole series, which results in game over.

MEHEM is better.
Mehem is great. Completely gets rid of Casper and reunites Shep with the crew. You fight the reapers, the crucible *cringe* fires and the Reapers are defeated. It is hardly seamless, but better than Bioware's offerings.

In EC, after probably the most epic moment of the whole trilogy(Anderson's death), you get this ridiculous holographic kid pop up and spout a load of BS which contradicts everything that has happened, not just through the series, but throughout the same game. Then after Shepard has listened patiently to the king of the reapers as he tells him what to do, without being able to argue, you are given 3 choices, each more abhorrent than the last, then a mufti-coloured explosion goes off and some random characters step out of a shuttle on a random world, Or alternatively you could defy the main antagonist of the whole series, which results in game over.

MEHEM is better.

Just what I was epecting tbh, cheers. MEHEM it is. Can I install the mod at any time through my play (before the ending obviously lol)
I must say that as much as I hate the EA DLC milking, I've had to get all of it to feel like I'm getting the full experience. Omega was OK (but the side objectives were too easy to miss!), Leviathan was epic, I'm about to do the Citadel one.

I still feel like they dumbed the whole thing down a bit in all honesty. I'd have like to have been able to land on more planets and discover new things but ME3 is great so far (but then I've not reached the end).

I'll keep a save before the end and try out MEHEM if I don't like EC.
Hi guys: ORIGIN has sale which includes all ME games! I have ME3 standard which I finished.

Will upgrade to DELUXE give me more? does it include only one DLC or all?

also, do you purchase DLC's from origin or there are cheaper places? Thanks
Hi guys: ORIGIN has sale which includes all ME games! I have ME3 standard which I finished.

Will upgrade to DELUXE give me more? does it include only one DLC or all?

also, do you purchase DLC's from origin or there are cheaper places? Thanks

The deluxe edition will also only give you the first of the dlcs as well as some digital items that are pretty worthless. The upgrade to the deluxe edition is £10, so its going to be better value to buy the dlc separately unless you really want the soundtrack.
As much as I love this game, I will never be buying another EA title that requires online authentication. My SP has been completely screwed the last few nights due to EA Servers being unavailable for periods of time.

This "always on" philosophy for single player needs to die a death. Why is one-time auth not good enough for DLC?

20. Is it true that when servers are down some people won’t be able to access any game modes?
A. This is not true. Players that do not have internet access can still play the single-player aspects of their games.

Really? :/ I had errors about DLC not being authorised. Unless I'm missing something? I suspect any saves could be irreperably corrupted if you did manage to play. How do you do the Steam offline mode equivalent when you can't connect?

I know there used to be a Steam bug that required the LAN interface to be down but that's gone. Not sure about Origin's behaviour.
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Bought it in the sale. Totally worth the £7.
Didn't think the endings were as bad as people made out. Unfortunately I'd removed all my ME2 stuff, so couldn't bring a character in but quickly had my bad-ass coloured gentleman up to speed.

He shot his way to destroying everything. Don't really understand how or why any of my team survived at the end, he didn't give a **** about them. All he wanted to do was see Diana Allers' knockers, and she didn't even get them out..

Oh and did recruiting everything in the universe to fight for me by bullying them have any impact on the end at all? Didn't feel like it.
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