*** Mass Effect 3 ***

I'd say there is going to be more about the Protheans in ME3 than there was in ME1 or ME2, can't really say why because of spoilers though. :)
Ok I played the demo :p
I have no complaints about the combat, Textures seem to be sharper generally and UI is a bit small.

Is there going to be some kind of introduction before the game to set the context?
Unless of course the blanks are filled in later its not exactly clear what happened to Shepard since the previous game.
Obviously I have played Arrival so I can infer the events, but what about someone who hasn't?
My main save (which i enjoyed the most) was playing as infiltrator.
Squad ME1 - Wrex and Liara
Squad ME2 - Grunt and Miranda - Although I used Kasumi quite a bit too.

I quite liked Grunt but he deffo was no Wrex.

Grunt and Samara :D
Character looks transfer


Saw the review of this today- not impressed at all. Console game with poor textures, poor animations, same old regurgitated gameplay. It's like it was separated at birth from the Assassin Creed Franchise - started well, but by 3 part i nthe series- stale and boring.
custom female shepard - left ME3, right ME2

Looks loads better in ME3 in my opinion.

Saw the review of this today- not impressed at all. Console game with poor textures, poor animations, same old regurgitated gameplay. It's like it was separated at birth from the Assassin Creed Franchise - started well, but by 3 part i nthe series- stale and boring.

Why change something that isn't a problem, most people will be playing for the story. Did you really expect them to change the whole engine?
It's exactly what I expected, more ME2 which isn't a bad thing. They still haven't fixed certain control issues (using the same key for cover and using things), and as usual I hate how the cover system works. Ah well, I love the ME universe so it's going to be a day 1 purchase for me anyway.
How quick do you reckon you could get through ME1 + 2?

Completed them both ages ago on the xbox, but my old machine died so I've lost the save files. I want to play 3 with my own custom story, I didn't kill Wrex in the 1st game :p.
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