My main save (which i enjoyed the most) was playing as infiltrator.
Squad ME1 - Wrex and Liara
Squad ME2 - Grunt and Miranda - Although I used Kasumi quite a bit too.
I quite liked Grunt but he deffo was no Wrex.
^who is that?
custom female shepard - left ME3, right ME2
Saw the review of this today- not impressed at all. Console game with poor textures, poor animations, same old regurgitated gameplay. It's like it was separated at birth from the Assassin Creed Franchise - started well, but by 3 part i nthe series- stale and boring.
custom female shepard - left ME3, right ME2
Christ thought left was ME2 and right ME3 for a second, thank god, ME2 looks shocking D:
How do you find your character code in ME2 for using in the ME3 facial editor?