*** Mass Effect 3 ***

1.) I don't like EA, they've ruined every thing they've touched.
2.) This is one of the first in many future titles which is withheld from Steam.
3.) I don't care about publishers targets, I'm not going to buy something I don't agree with.

We're told to "Vote with our wallets", when we do? We're given excuses, meh.

For every time PC Gaming seems to move forwards positively, we'll get knocked 2 steps backwards from the devs/publishers.

I'm not saying you are wrong. I just think that you will not change much. If this day one DLC bothers you so much then of course you shouldn't buy the game.
Do you think there'll be any decent equipment for biotic characters to discover? ME1 had bio-amps, but ME2 pretty much got rid of that (upgrading it inside your ship just isn't the same).
Hi all,

Whilst day one DLC always seems an odd move/rip take, as clearly if it was done before going gold it should rightly be part of the main game

however lets not forget!!!

Mass effect 2 had loads of DLC that should have been part of the normal game, so why with 3 are we getting all worked up again.

Cerberus network
Crash site

All the above day one, which linked up into the online pass for new copies, but if you remember only the CE edition was going to get that at first, it kicked off and everyone got it with new copies, the only reason i did not get the CE edition that time was all copies got it in the end.

Then we move onto

Fire Walker? Clearly should have been part of the game
Overlord? So poor it should have been free
Stolen Memory? Clearly should have been part of the game

In some respects and one of these is half and half the following only just fits into the true DLC line

Shadow Brooker (after gold, but clearly meant to be part of the main game)
The arrival (clearly done well after gold, does not fit to well with Mass 2 story)

So i guess going on EA/DAY one DLC back peddles in about a week, nerd rage limiting factor here so maybe two, everyone with a new copy will end up getting the squad mate / mission.

It's the same every time a big game comes out
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I'm not saying you are wrong. I just think that you will not change much. If this day one DLC bothers you so much then of course you shouldn't buy the game.

A big fuss was made over the BF3 exclusive content going to selected retailers which prompted EA and Dice to come out a few week later and declare the exclusive content would be made free a month after the games release. For EA to use what seems to be major in game story driven content that should be in the retail game on launch as DLC, well it's appalling. It basically guarantees EA extra profit on release day because any mass effect fan will surely purchase it, they are holding consumers to ransom and it's not right.
I think this will happen, they are getting slaughtered over it on some sites

Yep, it follows the same trend as all other EA games of the last few years,

How many EA games over the last 2 years + have not had some level of online pass/day one dlc code to stop second hand market,

Mass Effect 2 had the Cerb Network, but with Mass Effect 3 nothing stated yet and lets not forget this one has online gaming and its good to boot,

So you know there will be something to stop the second hand market, wonder what that will be?
I know it was posted before, but it seems a few people missed it:

I won't be buying it, but then i guess it's easy for me as i was trying not to get it on release anyway to save a bit of money.
It's from TotalBiscuit, a very popular youtuber with well over half a million subscribers. He's explaining why he thinks it's unacceptable to have inaccessible day one DLC and why he won't be buying the game because of it.

If you have the time/are bored enough it's worth a watch :p
I'm not saying you are wrong. I just think that you will not change much. If this day one DLC bothers you so much then of course you shouldn't buy the game.

Of course it won't.
But when things like this become the standard, and people start complaining, I'll know I wasn't one who let it happen.

What exactly are you people talking about? You want whole game in 1 pack?

Continue being naive.

Mass effect 2 had loads of DLC that should have been part of the normal game, so why with 3 are we getting all worked up again.
For the DLC that should have been in ME2's main story/Free, while I bought ME2 on Steam, the DLC I didn't pay for.
Lair of the shadow broker for example, while I haven't yet gone through it, it's quite a massive story arc.
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A big fuss was made over the BF3 exclusive content going to selected retailers which prompted EA and Dice to come out a few week later and declare the exclusive content would be made free a month after the games release. For EA to use what seems to be major in game story driven content that should be in the retail game on launch as DLC, well it's appalling. It basically guarantees EA extra profit on release day because any mass effect fan will surely purchase it, they are holding consumers to ransom and it's not right.

I'm not saying it is right. And we don't really know about their profit. Maybe Bioware went way over budget and this is a way to compensate. We don't really know unless we know all the numbers. It doesn't really matter anyway.
I just don't see the point in getting angry about this. I play games for entertainment and I don't consider being angry as a positive contribution to that.
Of course it won't.
But when things like this become the standard, and people start complaining, I'll know I wasn't one who let it happen.

I'm sure it will become standard. Bioware/EA are actually just doing now what others in the software industry have been doing for years: Develop a product and then cut out features to create different editions of that product that can be sold at different prices.
I knew BioWare had turned to crap, starting with Dragon Age Origins.

They added an NPC in your camp offering a quest, you go through all the dialog and accept it. Then your told to go buy the content if you haven't already. Shameless.
Well I am going to see what EA's response is to this From Ashes DLC over the next couple of days, but if it isn't included as standard I will be getting a refund on my pre-order.

The irony is that if the game as standard (with all content) cost £50 I would actually go and get it - to me the series has been worth that much, but it's the way they go about it. I bought the game at £35 thinking the collectors edition had the usual additional posters etc that I aren't interested in; but to spring this on me after I have purchased the standard issue, in order to make me feel compelled to pay extra, otherwise I will be missing out on the total experience - is frankly appalling (not to mention the pressure some parents will be feeling from their kids, who don't understand finances, in these difficult days).

It would be a great shame. I bought and loved one. I bought and enjoyed two (not quite loved though) and have been looking forward to three, but BF3 and now ME3 have made me think that whilst I am no one of any importance I won't be treated like something they stepped in. I'm sure my little protest, along with others that feel and act the same, will dent their profits by 0.0000000000000001% (if even that) but at the end of the day, the line has to be drawn somewhere, otherwise where does it end.
I just don't see the point in getting angry about this. I play games for entertainment and I don't consider being angry as a positive contribution to that.

Thats all very nice, but there is something to be angry about here.

The 'From Ashes' dlc is a massive part of the lore, and any fan who has played the previous games would want to play it. However, if you have not already ordered the game and you want to play it complete, you only have 2 options

1. Buy the N7 edition for £55
2. Buy Standard Edition for £30 and then the dlc on release for about £8.

This content has already been made, it is only not in the game so that they can charge more for it. If you buy the standard edition you do not get the whole game!
It's a pretty damn cynical, & despicable ploy just to milk as much money from the fans as possible but tbh, it won't effect my decision to buy the game, it will only effect my timing, so instead of preodering, i'll just sit on my hands for a couple of weeks & see if the inevitable backlash causes them to drop the DLC price & make it free instead.
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