*** Mass Effect 3 ***

You're a marketing departments wet dream :p

Shepard. I was just waxin' goddam nostalgic.

There was this one time I was sent to the outer rims of the Terminus Systems to hunt down some high-class smuggler, or thief. Whatever. Doesn't matter. What matters is that I eventually found him on a beach resort on some planet that's balls knows where.

So I get to the resort and camouflage myself as one of the tiki dancers, putting on a spotted leotard and dancing with the other human girls for the git. I tell you, it's hard to hide an assault rifle in a leotard, but Jessie found a way.

Suddenly, the **** hits the fan. The target looks at us after we dance and starts screaming! At first I thought my cover was blown, but it turns out that the girls weren't girls at all, but Krogan warlords wearing leotards. Imagine the look on my ****ing face.

So me and Jessie had to fight our way out of that goddam mess. I managed to take out the Krogans, however, and the target came up to me asking for my name and phone number, calling me the most sexy girl he'd ever seen. Right then and there I tore off my leotard, and he realised I was a fully grown man. The shock on his face was priceless, especially since I got to savour it when I shot him right between the eyes.

Got paid a nice sum for the kill, but a good mission like that would have been reward enough for me. Still took the money, though.

I should let you go. Talk more later Shepard.


Shepard living up to his status as an underwear model.
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You know, it probably wouldn't have been as bad if they'd just bumped the price of the game up by £8. It's these heartless marketing techniques that deceive people into thinking that it's a privilege to be able to pay extra for release day content.

And it's really a shame, because now tons of die hard fans of the franchise won't be buying the game, that the developers spent countless hours worth of sweat and blood creating. Because of an out of touch, money hungry publisher all that work will go unappreciated by a lot of the people that have given them motivation along the way.

It's not the developers. It's never the developers. Most developers if they had the choice would give it to you for free, but they need to put food on the table and computers on the desks.
Anyone else getting a bit worried about this game?
They seem to be spending loads on advertising, why not put that money into the development?
I can't help but be concerned that too much content is getting held back for dlc rather than extra content being created for dlc
^ They didn't have time to put From Ashes in the game, they had too much advertising to do!

Yes, I am slightly worried, which is not really like me when it comes to new games. I like to give everything the benefit of the doubt until I play it(even to the point where I was pretty much the only one defending DA2 before it came out....then I played it:eek:). They are trying their best to put me off this though:(
It's bioware and ea ffs, when bioware went over to EA it was a well known fact that things were going down hill... Just look at DA2 :(
It's bioware and ea ffs, when bioware went over to EA it was a well known fact that things were going down hill... Just look at DA2 :(


Unfortunately there are FAR too many individuals who disagree with EA and it's policies, but do nothing about it. If those who maintain they've had enough actually boycotted EA, the company would soon get the message. Theres thousands and thousands of ****ed off gamers out there.

For those of you who still enjoy EA's games and don't agree that Biowares standards have slipped, I am happy for you. Genuinely I am. I wish I could continue to play Bioware games without feeling ripped off.

EA are just like the Borg, and slowly but surely any developer with any promise is being assimilated. Rip Bullfrog, Westwood, Pandemic... Bioware...
It's best to just move on. It's not getting any better from here out. If DA2 and Arrival didn't give you an idea of what was to come, maybe the way Bioware themselves vehemently defended them should have.

EDIT: If you can't bring yourself to boycott it, at least think about holding off for proper reviews and feedback.
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I don't think there's any real developers that aren't linked to a massive corporation now.
There's Valve, and valve games are good 'n all, but they're not releasing a library of games to play year in and year out.

EDIT: If you can't bring yourself to boycott it, at least think about holding off for proper reviews and feedback.

As reviews.
Anyone else getting a bit worried about this game?
They seem to be spending loads on advertising, why not put that money into the development?
I can't help but be concerned that too much content is getting held back for dlc rather than extra content being created for dlc

I was getting a bit worried back when they announced they were including multiplayer, not to mention those delays to optimise the gaming experience (both of which gave me the impression they were dumbing things down even further, one of my main complaints about ME2). Their continued effort to monetise every single aspect of this game from random tie ins to this day one dlc stunt has put me completely off the game and I've cancelled my pre-order. I disagree with the business model EA are pursuing and shan't be supporting them. It really is a shame, Bioware were always an instant buy for me.
10/10 Best game EVAR!

5/5 Must play, there is absolutely nothing wrong with this game, we promise, honest

"Game of the century"

EDIT : To be honest, I felt ME2 going down the same path that ME3 has, although ME3 has just expanded upon it even more. ME2 was a brilliant game, but it was far too much of a radical combat change from ME1 and became little more than a 3rd person FPS with a decent story.
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I havent paid much attention, but I would expect the usual drivel from PC Gamer simply fishing for a box quote. "Not buying Mass Effect 3 would be a mistake!"

Very few gaming review sites you can trust anymore.

BRB replaying ME2 to make sure Shepherd dies.
ME2 controls on PC sucked bigtime compare it to how easy the 360 controls were & the gfx were not even much different either. Bioware are very lazy on PC when they CBA to even implement 360 gamepad support but players have modded both ME1+2 to use them shows you how little they care (but naturally they have the 3 months to create day 1 DLC :rolleyes:).

This is an Origin sale to me in about 18 months I can wait its not like its going to offer anything more than ME2 as its using UT3 still & wasting dev budget on uncalled for MP components is another sign of EA tampering. They should have used Frostbite2 like EA do with almost every recent game nowadays :eek: Optional Co-Op yes that would suit but MP will go the way of Dead Space 2 MP..........
I agree that it is not looking too good at the minute, but I disagree that ME2 was too 'dumbed down'. Just because there are features taken out of a game, does not mean it is always for the worse. I actually think ME2 was streamlined quite well tbh, and do not think it is a worse game than the first. And the areas that you might think were too 'dumbed down' have likely been worked on, for example I saw a preview where it said they have bought back weapons customizations for this game, so that is good(it was a bit lacking in ME2)

I get a little annoyed with attitudes like "there were more items in the last game than this, ITS BEEN DUMBED DOWN!":p*

*Not saying this isn't the case with this game though, but it is too soon to write it off at least.
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