didn't post at a great time, had a huge barny with wife, cooked dinner which was left to long waiting on people and was ruined, had a crap day generally and just spewing off in a few posts with no care of what i was writing so apologies to all for that.
I'm just awaiting the finer details of the game, depth, lore, RPG elements, how much truly is their to explore etc. Just really a bit fed up of the constant focus on gunplay and video stuff, I'm only interested in gameplay and the finer details now.
Regarding ME1 and the open nature of it, of the 3 titles so far, yes its as open world as they have been with plenty to do if you wanted to go off on a tangent. Apart from a few linear moments to nudge you in the right direction to start with, It didn't really force you to go here or there at particular times. To me, it felt like there was always plenty to keep you playing and exploring at your own pace before you go and do one of the main missions. Plus there were the RPG elements which felt far more indepth than in ME2/ME3, kit progression, ammo types, weapon types actually felt like they played a real part in battles, especially when playing Insanity difficulty. The first time you open that galaxy map, and see all the systems appear, you think wow I can go to all these, then as you progress just more and more systems unlock. I read every bit of info there was in every galaxy and every planets spiel, I just got right into it. The feeling of it all for the first time was truly mindblowing for me, ME2 and ME3 was just so watered down in comparison. All the fun in exploring random planets in ME1 was gone in the later titles, activities like landing on planets looking for materials was substituted with automatic button presses with no satisfaction at all. ME2 and ME3 just felt like a dead experience compared to ME1, and the trailers so far look as if this will be much of the same.