Mass Effect was one of the best gaming series in the last decade. That's how much I rate it. So for me to go from that to never wanting to replay the series again after ME3 goes some way in describing my feeling toward the ending of ME3.
The series is over IMO. Shepard was an incredible character and the new guy/gal will always be in his spotlight simply because of the nature and theme of the original story. I mean what are they going to do? Beating the biggest, baddest, civilization wiping ancient mofos in the universe was the whole point of the Mass Effect series. Surely they're not going to bring them back due to the way they.... actually no, stop, I don't even want to THINK about that ending.
They said that it's not going to be just another soldier (i.e. Shepard 2) but something completely different. Personally I call BS on that because who you control is going to be a warrior who fights for a noble cause on a galaxy wide scale. If that wasn't the case then it wouldn't be Mass Effect, there would be no point in using the IP.
In my opinion Bioware should have invested in a brand new IP. New characters, new world and new story. It can even be a sci-fi. It's this money centric ideology (the fact they won't move on from a proven IP) that the quality of their products are dwindling. The diluting of the story (the original conceived motivations for the Reapers was completely different, involving dark matter in the galaxy) and the continuation of a series that was original conceived as a trilogy is why ME:3 was the way it was. It's why DA:2 was a sham of a videogame and it's why there is now a Mass Effect 4.
I will keep my eye on what they decide to do with the series, but just like my inability to replay a series I once adored, I'll be keeping my distance. Just like Dragonage Inquisition. I've lost all faith in Bioware.