The Buyer-Beware video is spot on with everything it talks about and much better than the other one that I went over it's points over.

I've still got about 8 hours of play time still, so if anyone has any tests they want me to look out for, I can do that too when I log back in later.
I've played about 4 hours so far and enjoying it. The running animation issues remind me of GTA4 and mostly comes from taps of left/right as they start to swing their legs out for the turn.

I don't think the facial animation is "that" bad, but the female models suffer most, the aliens actually look pretty good, maybe it's the uncanny valley nature of it. However...they really lack emotional range in the animation which is where it falls down most for me...talking about about a death and they don't really appear to care too much.
What did they do. I'm guessing the good developers left Bioware a long time ago, because after DA:O they have been mediocre and this is a new low :(

...And why do all the female character look like they had some kind of botox accident?
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Well I've played around 3 hours and I'm out, its been uninstalled.
Can't believe how sodding garbage just about every aspect is, from the joke acting to the mind numbingly boring gunplay and gameplay. As above this is a new low for a AAA title with gameplay mechanics getting dumber and dumber by the title. It's worrying and sad that developers are able to farm out this manure and consumers lap it up.
What did they do. I'm guessing the good developers left Bioware a long time ago, because after DA:O they have been mediocre and this is a new low :(

...And why do all the female character look like they had some kind of botox accident?

Well hasn't half of Hollywood had a botox accident in that regard its accurate!
Been calling it for months, the game is utterly embarrassing for a Mass Effect title. I had a feeling it was going to be bad, but this is just soleless. Mass Effect has always excelled at the key areas, that's story telling, character dialogue and a proper attachment to the game characters. This game has none of that, generic trash aimed at today's pick up casual play market.

This trial might be their big undoing.
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Well, i've just had 2 hours or so in the trial and i have to say that i feel i should be eating some of my words! I like it. The gifs/YT clips making the round seem like an exaggeration now. The graphics are fantastic and the voice acting, while not the very best, is more than adequate. I will finish the 10 hour trial but at this stage i'm quite excited to play the full game.
Well, i've just had 2 hours or so in the trial and i have to say that i feel i should be eating some of my words! I like it. The gifs/YT clips making the round seem like an exaggeration now. The graphics are fantastic and the voice acting, while not the very best, is more than adequate. I will finish the 10 hour trial but at this stage i'm quite excited to play the full game.

Still very below the bar compared to the previous games though.

Some of ME:A just seems amateur. The 2007 original has much better voice acting and animations.
Sigh. I hate the gaming community sometimes. Really enjoying the game but on a combination of this forum (though not so much), Reddit and other places I must be a EA loving, anti-white racist, feminazi, pre-ordering monster for liking it.
I've played 3.5 hours so far, thought I'd give it a whirl and whilst some of the facial animations need work overall I'm enjoying it thus far, way too early to judge if it's actually on par with the rest of the ME series. At least on my playthrough so far, some of the rabid criticism seems excessive.
Animations look really bad. Don't like it, but not a massive concern for me
Dialogue looks poor. Yeah, that is a concern
Biggest issue for me- Main character looks poor. On a few occasions in videos I've seen he just basically has the most generic response imaginable. At one point, an NPC really chews him out and he doesn't even respond. From what I have seen, everyone's main character will pretty much end up the same.

Makes you appreciate when games do put a lot of work in to animations. Well done, they add a level of quality to a game imo. Take the Batman games, in which the quality of animations really elevate the games for me. They are spot on.
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