Ah shame. Missing out on a very good story.story could be epic but if combat is **** i cannot play it. same with Witcher 1. i cannot touch it now days
Ah shame. Missing out on a very good story.story could be epic but if combat is **** i cannot play it. same with Witcher 1. i cannot touch it now days
uninstalled this game what a load of rubbish combat wise its horrid
cant use keyboard+Mouse on a third person game. & the control system mentioned no other way to switch on Controller.With regards to pointing the wrong way in cover; all you have to do is press alt and Ryder will look over the other shoulder.
Do you have to evaluate the planets to make them live-able or can you sack that part off and just plough on with the story?
Easiest way is to activate all the remnant devices on each planet you go to, doing side quests on planets helps as well(some quests like killing bad guys etc improves living condition percentage), basically minimum is 40% before it can become liveable, easy to get to 100% on every planet.
cant use keyboard+Mouse on a third person game.
Works fine for me. Don't like aiming with a pad regardless
As far combat goes, I think it has always been overrated in ME games but its still fun. Without the Charge skill though I imagine it would be far less enjoyable
So, what conclusion have you come to now that you have finally nearly completed it? I remember you defending it vigorously some weeks agoAfter 65 hours and hitting level 63 it's time to finish the game, I've only got the last mission left to do and then it's all done with the exception of some tasks as running around aimlessly got tedious fast.
So, what conclusion have you come to now that you have finally nearly completed it? I remember you defending it vigorously some weeks ago
cant use keyboard+Mouse on a third person game. & the control system mentioned no other way to switch on Controller.
My first Experience of Mass Effect using a Xbox Controller was:
Combat was clunky
Bullet sponges
controls for putting gun away is very odd positioned
opening the inventory wheel was very odd positioned.
jet pack landing stops you instantly from moving forward... really annoying
some guns give very poor feedback (assault rifle)
moving when in zoom mode is not smooth.
I enjoyed Mass Effect immensely. But it went downhill from there for me. Mass Effect had such a great story, was super immersive and you cared about the characters and what was happening.Not sure if that was me? I've enjoyed my playtime, yes it's got a few glitches and bugs but since 1.05 patch with the changes they made there it's been better. Worth a play through if you enjoy the series and some of the side missions have been fun to play.
In the 65 hours I've had 2 hard crashes, 1 falling through the ship and had to reload a earlier save and had to redo one of Peebee's missions as if you go left instead of right it doesn't count the progress.
After 65 hours and hitting level 63 it's time to finish the game, I've only got the last mission left to do and then it's all done with the exception of some tasks as running around aimlessly got tedious fast.
There is no doubt the fetch quests are that plastered across all 5 planets are tedious at best. I moved onto some of the priority/main mission and your squad mates side quests yesterday which were far better.
The actual story content once it gets going is pretty good but there is so much pointless filler that i'm not surprised it turns players off the game.