Max's Training Log - 1 Year On

There's nothing to be ashamed of there at all mate, don't worry!

Nope, you've done really, really well considering the total lost, you should be chuffed.
Why is my BP so weak, 62.5kg and couldn't do the last set of 5 :(

On the other hand I've stopped using assistance on dips, just bodyweight now.
Well here's me this morning, 3kg lighter compared to that other picture, I look no different!

For reference: @93KG:


Here @ 90kg:


Struggling to see where the 3kg has gone to be honest...

Here's a truly awful back shot that makes me look uber fat :o


And finally heres a side shot:


Apologies for anyone about to eat dinner :p

Losing the love for SL's at the moment, squatting 3 times a week is getting a bit tedious and I don't think its a bad thing changing it up after all this time.

For December I'm going to try a different programme and see how it goes.

Any recommendations for a basic 4 or 5 day routine for me to trial over December?
Good work Maxeh! I'd say your at the point where continued weightloss will not necessarily be noticeable until you wake up one day really skinny, which is probably not what you want! How tall are you? You look over 6ft?

Are you still progressing on SL, or deloading a lot? If your progressing still I would implore you to stick with it until Christmas, take Christmas / New Years completely OFF from gym/diet and enjoy the festivities a bit so your feeling raring to go on a different program come January.
You could look at HST, using your 5RMs from Stronglifts to calculate that. Alternatively get googling there are loads of 'typical' 3/4 day splits out there, take one and apply the same progressive load & deload principles of Stronglifts to your routine and you'll be golden.
I'm bang on 6ft!

Hitting a wall on bench, OHP and Deadlift so I think that's a sign...I can't really take a lot of time off as I need to keep my blood sugars in the best shape possible :(

I think I am going to do a 3 day split that still includes the lifts from SL's but use say 3x10. Really keen to start doing different exercises though but I can't ignore the squat/deadlift I don't think.

Maybe the split from the guide on here?

Monday – Chest/Shoulders/Triceps
Wednesday – Back/Biceps
Friday – Legs/Abs

What do you reckon?
I know that once my 12 weeks are up with SL (I'm doing it purely to build strength so I can start other programs more in line with goals, rather than SL for SL), I'll be taking the basis it has and adapting it. So take the three big lifts, and do them on a different day, and then build the rest around that.

Looks, in line with what you've put down to be honest. Bench on Monday, Deadlift on Wednesday, Squat on Friday, then add some additional things in.

I might try something like chest/abs/tri though and legs/shoulders. That's just personal preference though.

How does this look chaps?


HIIT Cardio












Currently building up to a 5k run (should be there in the new year).
IMO, legs should be a full session, not shared with other things. If you're militant that you can only have 3 days a week lifting, then I'd add an extra shoulder workout to your chest days and do some trap work on back day.
4 day split isn't a problem (go to Uni all day Wednesday and Friday, but an evening session can be done).

Would that be better then, maybe do legs on Wednesday evening? That leaves me with a spare day on Thursday, what could I do there?
Well here's the routine I am trying at the moment, any thoughts?

Already losing the shrugs after being told off in the gym rats thread :p

Monday - Shoulders

Shoulder Press
Upright BB Row
Side Lateral Raises
Kettlebell Shrugs (what else could I do?)

Tuesday - Back/Triceps

Bent Over DB Row
Close Grip BP
DB Extension
Pullups (still unsure if these belong on this day?)

Wednesday - Rest day

Thursday - Chest/Biceps

DB Bench Press
Incline DB Bench Press
Press Ups
DB Fly's
Curls using that "21" method
DB Preacher Curls

Friday - Legs

BB Squat
Bulgarian split squat
Leg Press
DB Lunges
Leg Extension

Saturday/Sunday I switch between a run along the seafront and some HIIT cardio.
Upright BB Row, drop this immediately. You need some rear delt work like facepulls.

If like me your core/back is pretty fried from deadlifts, you might be better off doing One-arm DB Rows on a bench to give yourself reprieve. Pull ups do belong on a back day.

For chest why not do BB bench press then incline DB press?

If you do any kind of decent weight/volume on the leg day you'll probably struggle to do everything you've listed there. Drop leg extension and Leg press and instead do glute ham raises or RDLs.

Those are my thoughts, sorry if it's not great I'm pretty tired.
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