Max's Training Log - 1 Year On

Could cut it down to 1 chicken breast and then have some peanut butter on a Ryvita equivalent.

Correct on the yoghurt, should be about 4 carbs, woops.

Edit - I have some Weight Watchers crackers, 2 of these with some peanut butter should give:

185 calories
11g carbs
8g protein
12g fat

Even's things out a bit...
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Speaking of birthday treat, 24oz bad boy!



As the final Jaffa Cake enters my gob, back on the straight and narrow tomorrow morning!

Meal plan sorted, training sorted (for another month, then back to SL's I think).

So up for 2013 being a good follow on from this year :D
2013 here we go!

Weight as of this morning is 14 stone 3 lbs/90.3kg. This is the lightest I've been so a great start.

Aiming for 1lb loss each week, get to 13 stone 7 and see how I look.

Pictures for 1st Jan 2013:



Diet is currently around 1600 calories a day with less than 100g of carbs.

Using my BMR of ~2000, a 500 deficit each day should give 1lb loss per week on diet alone, I will up my calorie intake as the weeks go by to accommodate my exercise to make sure I'm not loosing too much.

Routine is a 4 day split, 1 day of HIIT and another day of just a morning run.

Wish me luck :D
Weighed in this morning at 13st 13lbs, so a 4lbs loss. More than I was aiming for and at this stage I think its too much to lose in a week.

Will up my intake a bit and carry on.
Strong body hair.

How bad is the loose skin on your lower stomach? as from your pics your trousers hide it abit? Thought about what you will do when you reach your goal?
It's bad but nothing compared to some people's, price I pay for being a fat ass.

My goal changes a fair bit, currently its get to roughly 85kg and see what my body looks like. It's hard to tell with the loose skin but above the belly I can base it from.

If you mean skin wise when I am at a base weight, no idea. Surgery is way too expensive, just keep a t-shirt on I guess.
Well if you want any information on surgery please just ask me. Had my Tummy Tuck in October 2010 :). That was after dropping from 21.5stone to 10stone.

Best thing I ever did.
Well if you want any information on surgery please just ask me. Had my Tummy Tuck in October 2010 :). That was after dropping from 21.5stone to 10stone.

Best thing I ever did.

I think I remember but have you put down the cost of it all and some pictures?

Cost for me is the main thing, I'm going to wait at least 2 years before I make any decision though.
The final cost to be honest after the hospital stay, Bindings, Wrap Suit, FOOD in the hospital lol and various meds it came to around £6750.00.

Pics are:

Before :

2 Years On :

Just see the fait scare line :).
Looking great now mate, must be chuffed :)

Mine is much worse than that :p but I am coming from nearly 27 stone so it was always going to be worse.

I think I'm going to give it time and see how it goes and maybe think about surgery if it starts becoming an issue.
Weighed in at 13st 13lbs again this morning so no loss this week.

So hard to tell if that's actually progress as I could in theory be losing weight and gaining muscle as my diet is super clean and I'm training well. At least I hope that's whats happening!

My diet is good but I think there are still some gaps, today for example how would you change this?

Breakfast -

3 egg omlette
Quorn sausage


Protein shake

Lunch -
Chicken breast
Mixed salad
Quorn scotch egg

Snacks -
15g mixed nuts
Pack of chicken fillet bites

Dinner (to be) -
Pork mince burger with onion
125g brown rice
Some sort of veg

Greek yogurt with blueberries

There's an element of me reading into things too much, if I give my current plan time I should see results...
Oats and toast are a bit too carby for my liking being diabetic.

What's the reasoning behind the egg yolks, never really thought about it.

Scotch egg is a rarity, just added it in to be accurate.

Here's the breakdown of that food:

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