Max's Training Log - 1 Year On

Facepulls can be arranged!

I do one arm DB rows at the moment, I have put down bent over row for some reason but that's wrong, should read DB single arm rows.

My chest strength is fairly bad at the moment so I though switching from the BB to DBs might unleash some life!

Glute ham raises look scary, but I will give them a bash.

Thanks for the advice :)
Facepulls seemed to work out better for me this week.

That leg work out I listed is ruining me, I will think about adding in some ham raises though.

The bulgarian SS with just body weight is fairly demanding!

My weight seems to be hovering on 14st2 - 14st4 at the moment but with my diet and regime focused a bit more on building I guess this is not a bad thing.
Enjoying doing chest work with just dumbells now, really feel it compared to using a bar.

3 sets with 25kg dumbells today on flat bench, happy with that.

I see some people doing dumbell flys flat and some people doing with an either one better than the other or just personal preference and goals?
I'd personally skip flys to be honest (apparently not good for mass).

Are you just doing dumbbell bench? Do you have access to a barbell? Some say doing both is good, or alternate every week.

As for the programme, I'd combine chest with triceps (not biceps), and back and biceps (not triceps).

One last thing, congratulations on the progress!
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I do flat and incline dumbell bench, I found I was hitting a wall with the barbell so I've swapped to dumbells for a bit.

Is chest/triceps more beneficial then? I can swap that over no problem.

And thanks, true test will be 2013, really looking forward to what progress I can make :)
Most three day splits are based on the push (chest/tricep/shoulders), pull (back/bicep) and legs system. Four day splits normally involves allocating a day just to shoulders.

Maybe try doing both (flat) on the same say (dumbbell and bar). Let us know how you get on.

What do you do on the bar and what's your revised routine?
What do you think of this?

Monday - Shoulders

DB Shoulder Press
Face Pulls
Side Lateral Raises
Dumbbell Shrugs

Tuesday - Back/Bicep

Bent Over DB Row
Bent Over BB Row
Pull-ups (or chin ups)
Curls using that "21" method
DB Preacher Curls

Wednesday - Rest day

Thursday - Chest/Triceps

BB Bench Press
DB Bench Press (incline)
Close Grip BB Bench Press
Press Ups
DB Extension

Friday - Legs

BB Squat
Leg Press
Leg Extension
Glute ham raises
That looks good to me! Will try that on Monday... not keen on shrugs though after other peoples advice!

Is there a machine for doing glute ham raises or something?
One more thing :p

Protein wise, on average I am eating around 100 grams a day. Which would appear to not be enough. At this stage I still want to be careful about not putting the wrong weight on.

I take MP whey after workout, could I up this to pre work out too and is there a better shake to have before hand?

This should probably be in the supplement thread but I like to keep track of everything in here :p
This is my view but I would personally avoid whey protein if you are cutting. That's on the basis that you're meeting your protein and caloric target. At this stage of your transformation, you are still in fat loss mode (it sounds like you're nearly done?) so your muscle gains will be relatively limited in comparison to someone who is lean and is trying to gain muscle.

Some have mentioned that a strength training programme for fat loss works very well in comparison to 3 day split, as with strength training you preserve more strength, apparently.

I suppose deciding on a programme you think will work (and stick to) will yield results. What other supplements do you take?
I still have fat to lose but its hard to know how much as I am starting to look a bit gaunt in the face and with the loose skin settling on my hips it's hard to tell!

Looking at the pictures about, how much more would you lot say I need to lose?

I did StrongLifts for a while but doing squats 3 times a week started dragging a bit and became boring towards the end, but I guess I was getting good results from it.

I'm at 14st 3lbs this morning, so after Christmas I will be doing a full on diet plan to shift how ever much more I need to.

Having had a month off SL's, I think starting again in Jan might have been enough of a break to get back into it for another burst.

I don't take any other supplements, I was on fish oils but I have increased the oily fish in my diet enouigh to not require a supplement and multivitamin's made me constipated :p

Thanks again for all the help, I am probably sounding like a broken record sometimes!
I doubt there's a hard and fast rule. Maybe post in the Gym rat thread to get a general consensus. There are arguments each way. I personally would continue with what you're doing (diet + weight lifting) as it seems to be working. Are you still losing weight? How about your strength?

I've noticed people switch their routines every 6 months. It sounds like you're getting bored and a switch will help you. :)
I like my pictures being away from the masses ! lol

I've hovered around 14.4 this month so not lost anything but I think my shape has changed a bit.

Keeping with that regime above and a very good diet should still yield weight loss shouldn't it?
I like my pictures being away from the masses ! lol

I've hovered around 14.4 this month so not lost anything but I think my shape has changed a bit.

Keeping with that regime above and a very good diet should still yield weight loss shouldn't it?

You can always post your stats. Don't be afraid, there are only there to help. Remember how far you've come so you should feel proud.

If it was me, I'd keep up with the diet and weight training (if switching to splits will give you more determination, then do it). This will allow you to continue losing the extra fat while maintaining (or even gaining strength). It seems to be working well for you! How long have you been lifting and dieting?

I'm using a similar approach (diet + weight training + cardio) to lose the fat.
If you go back a page there are some pictures from the start of December, I will do the same again at the start of January too.

Started in September last year, but only lifted properly once I had lost a couple of stone as it was a bit of a mission before that!
I've got another week, gotta make the most of it :p

My diet was very strict yes, mainly down to my diabetes but I can't deny exercise has played a massive part in it too...

Also here is an idea of a meal plan...

Bear in mind the diabetes so I really have to watch the carbs/sugars.

Snack wise I can't think what I could have.

Get a feeling this will be deemed a bit low!


With that, it gives me about a 500 calorie deficit in diet alone each day...
Hmmm... not convinced Total yoghurt is 0 carbs: the stuff is pretty much protein and carbohydrate, with a bucket of water thrown in.

OVerall, the diet looks protein heavy (from my perspective), so you may want to think about adding something like a handful of nuts in there, or peanut butter (no added sugar version... :) ) to get a higher proportion of calories from 'good' fats.
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