If you do these deeds to be rewarded and not punished then that is the reasoning behind doing them, the intetion. So surely it's not longer a good deed for the sake of it but instead it's for selfish reasons.
Besides, no matter how many good deeds I carry out, for no other reason than that they are the right thing to do, it won't mean squat to god because I don't believe in him and I'm going to hell.
Again, the reason behind doing these deeds isn't selfless, the reason for these deeds is following laws that will get you into heaven. That's selfish in a way and as you said that it was the intentions that mattered and not the deed itself, then these deeds are in fact not helping you to get into heaven.
Agreed. The good deeds i do on a daily basis are motivated by my wanting to help others when i can, im not on a point scoring list trying to tick all the boxes to get past the pearly gates.
And on the other hand the bad things i do are not always because im motivated to doing evil to others it just happens.