May 20 is ‘Everybody Draw Mohammed Day’

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I suppose Christianity is not pervasive throughout Western Culture also, infact it has a massive influence on Islamic and Hindu cultures also, just take Pakistan and India for examples of Western and Eastern cultures influenced by a dominant Christian Empire.

And this is relevant to my post in what way?

Fundamental Christianity however is raising it's ugly head increasingly however, especially in the US.

I think the US bible belt is one of the most unobtrusive versions of Christianity going. It's like COE with nothing better to do except dust the house.

I have never had any of the experiences you claim, I have lived and worked in Arab Muslim countries and have never been subjected to any of the vitriol you describe.

Are you intentionally being obtuse? I stated I am being targeted in MY OWN COUNTRY!

I employ many Asians who are practising Muslims and none have ever made any demands for time off to pray etc.

Now I think you are telling lies, there are 6 muslims at my company and 4 of them insist on time off to pray. And also the Muslims , to a man, are given extremely short notice time off whenever eide raises it's ugly head. I struggled to get 2 days off when my neice died!
you seriously need to learn more about islam becuase what your saying is wrong. If what your saying is right then why do people still convert to islam even though the world sees us as 'primitive, bigoted and violent'

You, also, are being obtuse.
The Africans and the Asians have the highest birthrate in the world due to ignorance.
Islam is the fastest growing religion as it tries to outbreed other cultures as it cannot outfight them (which is a shame as the Quran advocates outfighting them).
Is this a failing of the Quran?

EDIT: Stop just saying "you are wrong, you don't understand Islam" as your answers. Do you have any idea how inbred, brainwashed and stupid you sound?
That is the archetypal Islamic standpoint.
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You, also, are being obtuse.
The Africans and the Asians have the highest birthrate in the world due to ignorance.
Islam is the fastest growing religion as it tries to outbreed other cultures as it cannot outfight them (which is a shame as the Quran advocates outfighting them).
Is this a failing of the Quran?

EDIT: Stop just saying "you are wrong, you don't understand Islam" as your answers. Do you have any idea how inbred, brainwashed and stupid you sound?
That is the archetypal Islamic standpoint.

Do you have any idea how inbred, brainwashed and stupid you sound?
so there was no reason to ask

Absolutely wrong!

You have just proved many people (like me) correct when they wonder where your loyalties lay.
You are a disgrace when you will not take up arms for the good of your country against another country that bears your religion.
Shame on you and your type which is too prevalent in our country these days.

EDIT: notice the really nifty bit where I first guessed you "(here goes the pacifist excuse)"?
That is the typical excuse given when you want to weasel out of it.
You are so easy to read.
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Absolutely wrong!

You have just proved many people (like me) correct when they wonder where your loyalties lay.
You are a disgrace when you will not take up arms for the good of your country against another country that bears your religion.
Shame on you and your type which is too prevalent in our country these days.

Well I wouldn't fight for this country against anyone, muslim or non-muslim.

War is still all about killing people. And killing people is something I would never do for any reason.
Well I wouldn't fight for this country against anyone, muslim or non-muslim.

War is still all about killing people. And killing people is something I would never do for any reason.

That's a fair standpoint if you are a pacifist for the sake of being a pacifist.
But Shakeel gave me exactly what I expected from him under the guise of peace. I don't think any of us are fooled.
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