May 20 is ‘Everybody Draw Mohammed Day’

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time to draw a lot of mothers being decapitated. If you feel ofended go **** yourselves.

its funny that people complain about the reaction to these drawings, but then want to draw more.... Talk about throwing the wood on the fire.
So I saw the muhammad south park episode and I was WTF censored this and that and I got confused as if this was done on purpose or not as it was funny at first but then it wasn't anymore. At the same time they made fun from almost any other god/saint that is left.

TBH, I find the eps of SP where they take the mick out of religious figures to be their least funny episodes. And the celeb bashing ones are sometimes dull too.

They can be plenty funny enough at times when they use their imagination (the balls bouncing one recently was hilarious), but they do tend to fall back on "take the mick" eps, which don't always deliver many laughs for me (admittedly, "fightin' round the world" was genius :D)

I really don't see any reason to protect their efforts to cause offence to people of strong faith. It's not like they need to draw Mohammed, or that in fact there is any good reason to do so. "Not giving in" isn't really all that great a reason, when we're really not giving up any great freedom. I've never wanted to draw Mohammed in the first place, and it's a very specific demand ("don't draw Mohammed") that is being asked of them.

that is utterly hilarious!
Lars Vilks (muhammed cartoonist) Attacked by crazed muslims in sweden:

Sorry if repost i havn't looked through for it.

What do you guys make of this?
man that videos is insane, wot a bunch of idiots, crying for thier god becuase thier scared thier going to get bitch slapped in the next life incase they dont chant his name 50 times per day yep way to go guys thats the kind of god we all read of the old testament will show anyone that the god in the old testament is nothing but a murderer and a pig.even jesus shunned a ill woman once becuase she was not jewish, in those days that was like being sub human so jesus can go stuff himself as well the beardy git.

tbh god is actually the biggest mass murderer in history as religeon has killed billions upon billions of people worldwide, we are talking 2000 years of murder and bickering over someone none of them has ever saw or proved to exist.using 2000 year old books is not proof, after all your telling me jesus split water and walked on it and fed 50,000 people? cmon its just a NOVEL and in those days no one kenw any we have hubble,carbon dating and albert einstein which ill believe any day over some 2000 year old book.

the only plus side religeon has is that it acts as guidelines to keep some people in line as if it was proven tomorrow that god did not exist how many people would look differently at murder,crime.,rape and all the other bad things you will apparantly burn in hell for.

i really despise religeon and religeous nuts, im in the viewpoint that every human has a disorder of some kind, the main three being crazy,an addict or a religeous person, i know quite a few alcoholics and smokers and i think its some kind of weakness that we humans havent yet evolved to escape, just think of someone you know which one of those 3 does he fall into? very very few people wont fall into one of those 3 categories.being religeous is just the same, your being weak becuase your scared god is going to punish you or you will miss out on the next life, well ive news for you thats not faith guys....thats cowardice.

im not scared of hell if it does exist ive seen enough crap and cruelty in this world to know that if he does exist he is just as flawed and pig headed and most of us humans, if he thinks im going to live my life like a mormon for him he can think again...anyways didnt satan apparantly get kicked out of heaven? perhaps he had the viewpoint i had and told god to get stuffed, you never know we might share a few beers and have a right laugh in hell with a BBQ and some hot ass bitchez!!

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