How many of you disagree that man evolved from Ape like creatures ?
If you accept that it's true then where in your holy books does it mention this ? Well of course it doesn't & we all know the reason for that don't we?
If you deny evolution then your evading the truth of your own body which still carries proof of evolution in many ways including the now lost ability to swivel our ears in all directions without moving our head, all the muscles are still there but we have lost the ability to use them.
Our forebears were covered in hair from head to foot & yet modern man is not even though the means to raise fur when threatened or afraid is still with us & actually works !
commonly called 'Goosebumps' there is a small bump at the base of every hair folicle which replicates what you see in many animals when agitated & 'raise their hackles'.
There are lots more but I guess you will deny they are proof of anyhing as it's not written in your books & therefore catagorically cannot be true.
This is what really bugs me with religious folks who hang their every belief in god on what was once written down thousands of years ago & enter every arguement by quoting phrases as if that's all they need to do to prove without doubt that it's the very word of god himself.
Faith in God doesn't necessarily mean a rejection of science, or Evolution as it stands.