The only thing that those stats suggest is that if you're an Atheist then you're stuffed, and as Atheists don't believe anyway it's meaningless to them so the unfairness is irrelevent.
I'm a little lost by your point(s).
Are you suggesting then if you take a random set of say 1000 people in one country (eg: Estonia) and 1000 people in another country (eg: Turkey), that infact at the end of the day roughly the same number of people will end up believing in God, and that those figures above are completely misleading?
That if you take a 1000 people from any/all countries/cultures around the world, the figure won't change? Or indeed even if you try different centuries?
The moment the figures deviate noticable in any country/culture/time period you have to conclude that those individuals, for one reason or another, had a lesser or greater chance of getting to go to Heaven (due to at least believe in God).
I really cannot see how you can deny this, and suggest if you were to play an individuals life though X different scenarios in different cultures/countries/time periods, that their propensity to believe would not differ at all?
Seems utterly clear to me that some cultures result in far more believers than others surely? Again, do you deny this?
The moment you agree some groups have a greater chance of ending up believers, you have to admit the game is unfair at least in this one way...
And then of course we can keep adding more and more elements that make the game even more unfair... To the extent of being competely rigged for some (100% go to Hell, 100% go to Heaven).
ps: I'm looking at this from a traditional religious viewpoint as supported by Spawn. ie: Don't believe in God, you're destined for hell.
You do seem pretty hungup on your lack of belief as if you are less somehow, otherwise why would you feel it's unfair to be able to choose whether you believe or not.
Not really, it's just that's its a fairly clear weak spot in some religion's logic. Don't believe, go to hell.
Let's take Carl Sagan for example. The intelligence he was basically born into, and the luck of his parents supporting this, led him to the scientific path he spent his life travelling. This undoubtable led to his conclusion God did not exist. Our religious friend Spawn suggest this man is now in Hell, purely due to the events basically beyond his control. The intelligence he was predisposed to, and the upbringing that led him to the conclusion God did not exist. How does this seem a fair test? How does this sound the slightest bit logical? But none the less, peolpe such as Spawn say this is the way it is... Doesn't that hit you as being just the slightest bit illogical and ill-thoughtout? Isn't that worth discussing?