May 20 is ‘Everybody Draw Mohammed Day’

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I like it how I asked if there was an event to draw a cartoon of the sikh guru, would you guys do it? Love it how no-one's responded. That sums of the majority of you for me in this thread.

I don't believe there is any prohibition within Sikhism to drawing the Guru and I certainly don't recall anybody being killed due to drawing the Sikh Guru. Do you not think that context may actually matter in this? If there had been threats of violence, embassies being burnt down, people killed for drawing the Sikh Guru then I could quite possibly see there being a similar reaction.

As a matter of interest why did you even click on the thread title if you knew the content would offend you? Do you feel that you have a right not to be offended?
As a matter of interest why did you even click on the thread title if you knew the content would offend you? Do you feel that you have a right not to be offended?

I clicked on the thread because I felt like it.
I clicked on the thread because I felt like it.

Then I am struggling to see what the issue is. You had a perfectly reasonable method of not seeing any offending pictures but you chose not to exercise it. I also quite like how you berate people for ignoring a question and then ignore the replies and questions within those replies. :)
pretty much all the main figures in the main religions have been drawn and mocked in south park and other comics/cartoons.

as far as i know people have only been killed for drawing Muhammed though.
start a facebook page, draw offensive pics and find out, whats stopping you?

I already know there is no prohibition against drawing the Sikh Gurus, you can find plenty of art with them on it. You can also find some offensive art with them on it. As to what is stopping me, probably lack of artistic talent, lack of interest in facebook and lack of desire to draw offensive pictures.
You don't get it either. We really don't care what your prophet means to you. He is utterly irrelevant to our lives, and as such we see no need to tread on eggshells to appease a bunch of nutters crying over something as trivial as a drawing.


and im out, discussion is getting more and more pathetic and pointless.
the point is you wont try and offend any other religion apart from islam.

Where do you see facebook pages insulting Hindus..Sikhs etc..

Are you actually completely oblivious as to why the whole Mohammed drawing thing happened in the first place?

As said, there have been plenty of times where religions have been shown on South Park in an 'offensive' way, however it was only the Muslims that took offence and started threatening people with violence, no one else.
the point is you wont try and offend any other religion apart from islam.

Where do you see facebook pages insulting Hindus..Sikhs etc..

Well, where do you see Sikhs and Hindus threatening death to the writers of South Park and Danish cartoon artists for satire? Believe me if members of those other religions tried the same sort of **** they'd receive the same kind of backlash, and deservedly so. With that said, here's something we can all enjoy:

Duh nah na na duh nah nah naaaa!
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