May 20 is ‘Everybody Draw Mohammed Day’

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You aren't old enough to remember N. Ireland right on our doorstep?

I lived there and my father is from Belfast, what exactly are your connections to Northern Ireland? The problems in Northern Ireland had nothing to do with relgiion, but just happened to be divided down religious lines. It was a Unionist vs Republican conflict not a Catholic vs Prodestant conflict. It just happened that the two sides were also divided on religious lines and so that was used as an additional excuse. If they had all followed the same branch of Christianity then the problems would still have been the same.

Your list also includes Cyprus, which is not a religously motivated conflict and then tries to pin some of the blame for Checnya on Russian Orthodox Christians. Those two alone would make me suspect that list to be utter rubbish posted by someone with an agenda.

Add all of those together however and you still can't manage the deathtoll of one of the two big atheist regimes that killed millions.
you weren't walking around on went out of your way to offend people.

you think you are free to draw what ever you like then try drawing some pictures of naked kids and lets see where your freedom of speech is then.

You're missing the point... Freedom of speech is being able to openly question, seriously, satirically or comically, issues. If I wish to question Islamic law/policy by drawing a comical image of Mohammad, I am entirely free (here) to do that. And indeed why shouldn't I be? I'm not doing anyone any harm.

Furthermore, for anyone who finds themselves on the end of threats from Islamic groups (eg: the South Park boys), it might be a rather uncomfortable experience, so one of the great side effects of 'Draw Mohammed Day' is to rather comically produce sooo much material for Islamic militants to get offended by, there's no individual left to actually pick as a target :)

Finally, how DARE individuals from a different country threaten lives! Or indeed even try to dictate how they live their lives by threats of violence! The more comedy that can be derived from this the better IMHO if it helps show it for what it is...

ps: As for drawing a naked child? - not quite sure why you bring up such a bizarre point. Very odd! But anyway, I have little doubt I could legally draw one? No doubt some loons would fire off with some stupid paedogeddon stuff... Mind you, given my artistic talents it's more likely to look like Jabba The Hutt. Odd point... How about we stay no topic :) Or were you suggesting I draw one of Mohammed's brides?
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You're missing the point.

not how i see claim to be walking on eggshells because some muslims get offended if you mock their prophet.....i just don't see how drawing mohammed is part of your daily routine that you feel you were having to be so careful and are now fed up with it.
not how i see claim to be walking on eggshells because some muslims get offended if you mock their prophet.....i just don't see how drawing mohammed is part of your daily routine that you feel you were having to be so careful and are now fed up with it.

Huh? Do think 'Draw Mohammed Day' came about because:-
a) I personally feel edgy about drawing Mohammed.
b) A lot of people have reached the point of being so frustrated and annoyed at the stupid Islamic antics they've decided to innocently and simply act.

I think we can all agree (b). So to repeat yet again, why should anyone fear for their well being just for daring to draw something, or question something? How is that healthy or right? Have they threatened violence? No, cleverly, they've just made one huge joke out of the wholae matter, effectively smoke screening the whole issue.

Maybe be less busy finding reasons not to draw comical pictures, and be more busy pointing your analysis at what's wrong with threatening people who simply dare to question your religion/beliefs (or draw comical pictures) to make them behave the way you want them to! Surely you're not suggesting we should reward such behaviour by doing what they want?
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not how i see claim to be walking on eggshells because some muslims get offended if you mock their prophet.....i just don't see how drawing mohammed is part of your daily routine that you feel you were having to be so careful and are now fed up with it.

freedom of expression is non-negotiable in this regard. It isn't a case of 'oh, there's not often cause to draw Mohammed, so it isn't that much of a hardship when certain muslims demand we never draw him'. There has to be a genuinely good reason to curtail freedom of speech, for example not being allowed to shout 'fire' in a crowded theatre.
"Draw Mohammed" day had quite a following as people felt the anonymity of the internet protected them from being singled out for the violent reprisals that some Muslims were foaming at the mouth for.

The same anonymity that Muslims get every day when they are allowed to dress in garments that totally hide their identity. (it's not like Muslims have used this to escape arrest after terrorist attacks or anything)

Hey Islam, don't like it when you don't know who to attack? Neither do we ....
Maybe be less busy finding reasons not to draw comical pictures, and be more busy pointing your analysis at what's wrong with threatening people who simply dare to question your religion/beliefs

my comment was a reply to your walking on eggshells comment....i said you were going out of your way to offend(by drawing the pictures), you seem to be arguing against it but then claiming you are doing it for such and such a reason.

i haven't asked you or anyone else to stop the drawings nor have i agreed that someone should be threatened over them so the rest of your post i won't bother replying to.
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freedom of expression is non-negotiable in this regard. It isn't a case of 'oh, there's not often cause to draw Mohammed, so it isn't that much of a hardship when certain muslims demand we never draw him'. There has to be a genuinely good reason to curtail freedom of speech, for example not being allowed to shout 'fire' in a crowded theatre.

in a way i agree with what you're saying but what i don't agree with is offending millions to spite the few who make the death threats.
Free speech allows us to offend whoever we like and have a good laugh about it.


i don't think there should be a restriction especially when it comes to comedy, i just don't agree with targetting a whole set of people over a few bad apples.

just wondering if people would feel the same if the problem was closer to home for them....say for example if it was a few gays who had killed/threatened....after all we all could have someone gay in our family or have close friends who are gay

So would the reaction have been the same if a few gays had killed/threatened someone over mocking gays ?
would it be ok to create facebook pages(?) and to start mocking all gays over the actions of a few ?
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Nah, Spawn knows much more about islam than Spencer.

Well of course i do seeing as i practise it regularly now...compared to a guy, who isnt a muslim, doesnt practise it and lets be honest isnt any better than the people he cricitises himself as he mis-interprets everything he claims much like the extremists/terrorists do...the only difference is that he doesnt use violence to get his point across. But to me hes no different in all honesty.

I mean lets be honest if he has people like you and Bhavv believing everything he spouts off then well what can i say other than enjoy that bubble of ignorance the 3 of you share:p

Its funny how Islam is currently one of the fastest growing religions in the world at the moment, bet that really gets your goat eh tippy toppy?? that shows one thing and one thing only...that this Spencer fellow really isnt doing that great a job of showing the so called true face of islam to the majority of the world lol:p
Well of course i do seeing as i practise it regularly now...compared to a guy, who isnt a muslim, doesnt practise it

He has only been studying it for 30 years, written 10 books about it and now teaches it. If you know more than him, you should show us all the mistakes he is making.

Its funny how Islam is currently one of the fastest growing religions in the world at the moment.

In muslim countries children are brainwashed to believe in a fairy tale from a very early age and then don't recieve a proper education.

In the west we have a choice to believe what we want and now atheism is growing fast. People who were educated properly and not brainwashed from birth can see that scientific evidence for evolution makes religion look like a fantasy story.

Islam maybe one of the fastest growing, but only because religion is in decline in countries where people receive a proper education and are not forced into believing what others tell them to believe.
In muslim countries children are brainwashed to believe in a fairy tale from a very early age and then don't recieve a proper education.

In the west we have a choice to believe what we want and now atheism is growing fast. People who were educated properly and not brainwashed from birth can see that scientific evidence for evolution makes religion look like a fantasy story.

Islam maybe one of the fastest growing, but only because religion is in decline in countries where people receive a proper education and are not forced into believing what others tell them to believe.

ouch. :)
I think TipTop needs a better education in both Western and Eastern world cultures because both sides have so called "brain washing" and proper education.
I think TipTop needs a better education in both Western and Eastern world cultures because both sides have so called "brain washing" and proper education.

Indeed...poor fellow himself is brainwashed as much as the muslims he says are brain washed;):P
In muslim countries children are brainwashed to believe in a fairy tale from a very early age and then don't recieve a proper education.

In the west we have a choice to believe what we want and now atheism is growing fast. People who were educated properly and not brainwashed from birth can see that scientific evidence for evolution makes religion look like a fantasy story.

Islam maybe one of the fastest growing, but only because religion is in decline in countries where people receive a proper education and are not forced into believing what others tell them to believe.

Perhaps you should have a look at WESTERN countries specifically to see just how popular islam is...and im not talking about children here specifically adult non muslims who are now converting to mosque itself has done around 40 or so conversions in the past 5 yrs that i have been going there...thats a pretty high conversion rate regardless...and you know the strange thing is that these fellows that have converted are into islam in a big way, quite an eye opener that they make born muslims look positively amateuri-ish in comparison....also ill add that 3 of my muslim female friends have got married to recent converts in recent years.
I think TipTop needs a better education in both Western and Eastern world cultures because both sides have so called "brain washing" and proper education.

The west and other civilized nations has less brainwashing and more education. The opposite is true for the less civilized and third world countries.

Indeed...poor fellow himself is brainwashed as much as the muslims he says are brain washed;):P

Having an education and being free to believe anything I like is the opposite of brainwashing.
I think an important point about this whole thing, which kinda shows that it's not really a "religious" issue as such, but just another thing for some crazy people who have far too much time on their hands, and are full of far too much hatred, to moan and complain about "the west".

They've complained about "Mohammed" being drawn, which is somewhat hypocritical considering (as has been mentioned) drawing Mohammed isn't what's "prohibited" but rather, making visual depictions of any of Islam's "prophets".

The point was to discourage people worshipping and or praying to images of things, which would be entirely inaccurate anyway. My point though is that if they're going to complain about Mohammed being drawn, why didn't they complain about all the millions of times Jesus, Moses and all the other prophets that the islamic religion believes in?

How many years have cartoons been depicting "Moses"? Just today I watched an old episode of the Simpsons where they'd depicted Moses. Moses is a valid and recognised prophet in islam, so why not make a fuss and "take offence" to that?

I think people drawing Mohammed for this cause is a bit pathetic, but I also think that people who follow any religion just need to get over it if someone decides to insult their religion. It doesn't make it any less of what it is to you if some one insults it. I think you could apply it to "geek culture" a bit I suppose.

How would you feel if some one claimed playing video games was pathetic and lame, and then proceeded to mock you for it? I know it wouldn't make me enjoy games any less just because there's some one that's expressed their opinion that games are pathetic and lame.

I feel it follows the same principle for religion. If your religion is important to you, then it shouldn't matter what others say about it. It just shows (as has been said again) that people are insecure. Those that aren't insecure are simply nutjobs, you get them in all areas of life, religion just happens to be an area you get them in too.

Religion itself isn't really the problem for "nutjobs" existing, humans will always find something to complain and fight about, if it's not beliefs, it's land, money, rights, or just an excuse to gain something. I could go and brick some one's house tomorrow and claim religion made me do it, it doesn't make it so.
Tell me, why is drawing a picture of Mo the Paedo any more offensive than me having to see Muslims burning my country's flag? I believe in my country and know it DOES exist so why do my sensitivities mean less than theirs?

If you take offence to people burning the Union Jack, then you're just as lame as these people you're talking about.

National "pride" is ridiculous, and your country of origin is simply a random occurrence that has no real "value" to who you are as a person. I can only say you're privileged to have been born in the UK, than some poverty stricken slum in India where the only form of hydration you can get is from dirty diseased water.

National pride is just as bad as religious pride (and I mean pride in terms of people getting angry when they feel their *something* is being disrespected. They have the same principles and are just as equally ridiculous. Let's ban and or mock football because a minority of its supporters who are full of illegal amounts of "national pride" ruin it for everyone else by going to kick some one's head in because they're from another country and support their country's football team. :rolleyes: (ban football because it's crap :p)
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