I think an important point about this whole thing, which kinda shows that it's not really a "religious" issue as such, but just another thing for some crazy people who have far too much time on their hands, and are full of far too much hatred, to moan and complain about "the west".
They've complained about "Mohammed" being drawn, which is somewhat hypocritical considering (as has been mentioned) drawing Mohammed isn't what's "prohibited" but rather, making visual depictions of any of Islam's "prophets".
The point was to discourage people worshipping and or praying to images of things, which would be entirely inaccurate anyway. My point though is that if they're going to complain about Mohammed being drawn, why didn't they complain about all the millions of times Jesus, Moses and all the other prophets that the islamic religion believes in?
How many years have cartoons been depicting "Moses"? Just today I watched an old episode of the Simpsons where they'd depicted Moses. Moses is a valid and recognised prophet in islam, so why not make a fuss and "take offence" to that?
I think people drawing Mohammed for this cause is a bit pathetic, but I also think that people who follow any religion just need to get over it if someone decides to insult their religion. It doesn't make it any less of what it is to you if some one insults it. I think you could apply it to "geek culture" a bit I suppose.
How would you feel if some one claimed playing video games was pathetic and lame, and then proceeded to mock you for it? I know it wouldn't make me enjoy games any less just because there's some one that's expressed their opinion that games are pathetic and lame.
I feel it follows the same principle for religion. If your religion is important to you, then it shouldn't matter what others say about it. It just shows (as has been said again) that people are insecure. Those that aren't insecure are simply nutjobs, you get them in all areas of life, religion just happens to be an area you get them in too.
Religion itself isn't really the problem for "nutjobs" existing, humans will always find something to complain and fight about, if it's not beliefs, it's land, money, rights, or just an excuse to gain something. I could go and brick some one's house tomorrow and claim religion made me do it, it doesn't make it so.