May 20 is ‘Everybody Draw Mohammed Day’

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pure fear as I said before :p
anyway I have to go get my tea now but if it's not ready I'll beat her with a stick & then stone the old lady to death across the road for shouting at my cat

LOL pure fear??...of what exactly izzy??...seeing as you THINK you know what im fearful of then please do educate me because so far you havent done enough...
Roffles no im on a one way ticket to hell....yeee haaaaaaaa \o/:D

No its not because i cant lol...i can easily denounce it if i wanted to :)

But what difference does it make to you if i do or dont??...

Because you cant

But prove me wrong
Go on do it...

... I dont hold my breath
LOL pure fear??...of what exactly izzy??...i fear no one and nothing except for my mind:p

If you are a believer in god as you obviously are then as a Muslim you believe there is an afterlife in paradise & therefore any wrong doing or denouncing other Muslims activities might deny you that so you are fearful
If you are a believer in god as you obviously are then as a Muslim you believe there is an afterlife in paradise & therefore any wrong doing or denouncing other Muslims activities might deny you that so you are fearful

PMSL seriously where do you come up with this BS fella??....thats just too funny really.

For the record it has absolutely sweet FA to do with what you just said...hell i dont know if im going to hell or heaven lol...if i knew that for certain then i could make the arrangements/plans now:p rather than wait for the day of judgement etc etc.
but you have,
we want to be sure that you don't approve of your fellow Muslims bad deeds & therefore you will instantly gain much respect

Still Waiting

Wait all you like....if you know anything about me then you will quite clearly see where i stand on such activities as ive made my feelings quite clear in the past on here and until now my feelings or opinions havent changed one iota.

And why would i want anyones respect here??...the only respect i care about is the ones my family and friends in REAL life give me lol...not a bunch of geeks on here thats for certain.

Anyhow must dash...its been fun and interesting all the same but ive got another halaal BBQ to get started \o/ and i want to enjoy the weather while it lasts:D
PMSL seriously where do you come up with this BS fella??....thats just too funny really.

For the record it has absolutely sweet FA to do with what you just said...hell i dont know if im going to hell or heaven lol...if i knew that for certain then i could make the arrangements/plans now:p rather than wait for the day of judgement etc etc.

What is the reason then? are you ashamed to say it

your kudos on this thread is on a downward spiral ;)
What is the reason then? are you ashamed to say it

your kudos on this thread is on a downward spiral ;)

LOL nope not ashamed at all...why would i be??...ive already made my point.

[TW]Fox;16614915 said:
Is that 25,000 posts you have here? :p

Wow that many??:eek:...geez im sure at the start of this month i was only on 18k.....ooooh slowly turning into a geek myself now:(
If you are a believer in god as you obviously are then as a Muslim you believe there is an afterlife in paradise & therefore any wrong doing or denouncing other Muslims activities might deny you that so you are fearful

Yes a Muslim you do believe in the hear after. However, you could have as many sins as good deeds, they could outway the good deeds, but that 1 good sin could change everything.

There are 7 heavens and 7 hells as Muslims believe.
oh,no, lock up your cats & dogs quick :p

Dude im not chinese...wrong race lol

If we are all Geeks

Why are you on here then?

Geeks are all non belevers and eat pigs

Wow really....ok ill keep that in mind next time i come across a geek:p

Have you turned blue yet??:p

Alright you really want to know where i stand on such things being done in the name of my religion do you??

Well let me put it to you this totally against anything that goes against the teachings of my religion/faith...its as simple as that so it doesnt take a genius to assume from what i have just said that of course i dont condone such things and that goes as far as denouncing it as well.

Now i hope thats satisfied your curiousity on how or where i stand on such i said before ive always denounced such things in the past and will continue to do so...not that it makes a blind bit of difference to anyone here as we muslims are all tarred with the same brush but im happy in the knowledge that im a good person and a good muslim too. Ive always been taught that no matter how islamic you are and whether you follow islam word for word....what matters the most is your character and me thats the most important thing and something ive always held dear to my heart.

Now thank you and good night...much love:D
Well let me put it to you this totally against anything that goes against the teachings of my religion/faith...its as simple as that so it doesnt take a genius to assume from what i have just said that of course i dont condone such things and that goes as far as denouncing it as well.

Let me ask you something:

Are you against the stoning of children in Pakistan? Are you against the "honour killings" that happen in Pakistan? They claim to be all devout Muslims following the teachings.

Are you against the killing of that cartoonist who drew Mohammed?
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