In short, Religion played no part, its presence in any scientific progress is irrelevent as it had no direct interaction with the development of any scientific gain.
Gregor Mendel's work in a monastery?
In short, Religion played no part, its presence in any scientific progress is irrelevent as it had no direct interaction with the development of any scientific gain.
Why should someone else's believes dictate what i can and can not draw?
If you think that it's wise to antagonise a tiny minority of Muslim idiots that could make them worse then go ahead.
Lets put this into context.
99.99999999999999999999% of Muslims don't give a stuff if you draw a cartoon of Mohammed and just get on with their lives & religion and follow their version of the Koran which is a peaceful religion.
Over the last 3 weeks I've been staying in a Muslim country and if I decided to draw a picture of Mohammed possibly 2 things would happen -
1) Their version of the Koran wouldn't have a problem with me drawing a picture and they would just shrug their shoulders
2) They'd ask what have they have done for me to insult them by drawing a picture
You seem to think that EVERY Muslim was baying for the blood of Rushdie, Southpark and the Danish cartoonist but the simple fact is the vast majority wouldn't give a stuff and just get on with their day to day lives.
If you think that it's wise to antagonise a tiny minority of Muslim idiots that could make them worse then go ahead.
Mohammed was a paedophile.
Well said
Well if you had any clue you would realise that back in those days, it wasnt uncommon for men to take on extremely young women/girls as their wives....obviously by todays standards its not a good thing but then our standards and laws of today wouldnt have applied back then.
An extremely crude rendition [/QUOTE]
You have hidden talents, I’d keep them that way. ;)
Lets put this into context.
99.99999999999999999999% of Muslims don't give a stuff if you draw a cartoon of Mohammed and just get on with their lives & religion and follow their version of the Koran which is a peaceful religion.
Over the last 3 weeks I've been staying in a Muslim country and if I decided to draw a picture of Mohammed possibly 2 things would happen -
1) Their version of the Koran wouldn't have a problem with me drawing a picture and they would just shrug their shoulders
2) They'd ask what have they have done for me to insult them by drawing a picture
You seem to think that EVERY Muslim was baying for the blood of Rushdie, Southpark and the Danish cartoonist but the simple fact is the vast majority wouldn't give a stuff and just get on with their day to day lives.
If you think that it's wise to antagonise a tiny minority of Muslim idiots that could make them worse then go ahead.
Oooh Er, Missus. A fatwa will be heading in your direction. :D
The Southpark joke was an elabourate ruse to expose said 'extremeists'. I know plenty of Muslims who like SouthPark and hate extremists. NO way was it intended to antagonise the whole religion.
Yeah, I loved it though it makes really me angry that they bleeped Muhammad's name and the speech at the end.
Mohammed was a paedophile.