May 20 is ‘Everybody Draw Mohammed Day’

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I think people want the average Muslim to actually stand up and fight against these people. You would have thought they'd want to protect the image of their religion.

True, it took the archbishop less than a week to come out against the BNP when they so much as hinted that they had gods/the churches support.
The Southpark joke was an elabourate ruse to expose said 'extremeists'. I know plenty of Muslims who like SouthPark and hate extremists. NO way was it intended to antagonise the whole religion.

I am aware, I've been collecting Southpark ever since it started but I'm making a moralistic decision not to watch that particular episode
(only kidding)

is this true? i keep reading this? do muslims support paedofilla?

He was betrothed to Aisha when she was 6 and consumated the marriage (i.e. had sex with her) when she was 9. Nowadays this would be classified as paedophilia yes. In that time and place it was not unusual though. As I have already mentioned, religion is about absolute morality so the "it was ok then but not now" argument is nonsensical.
Well said:)

Well if you had any clue you would realise that back in those days, it wasnt uncommon for men to take on extremely young women/girls as their wives....obviously by todays standards its not a good thing but then our standards and laws of today wouldnt have applied back then;).

I do have a clue, and dress it any which way you like, the man loved a bit of jail-bait.

I bet he rocks to a bit of Gary Glitter while shagging his 30 virgins, aka, Class 4C.
Religion is everything that is wrong with the world.

Personally I think that religion stops more human evil than it causes. Sure 0.00000000000000000001% of each religion has it's nutters but can you imagine if everyone actually believed that there was nothing more to life. The number of nutters with nothing to live for would explode.

Of course this is my theory just the same as your statement is your theory.
Personally I think that religion stops more human evil than it causes. Sure 0.00000000000000000001% of each religion has it's nutters but can you imagine if everyone actually believed that there was nothing more to life. The number of nutters with nothing to live for would explode.

Of course this is my theory just the same as your statement is your theory.

I think this is one of the most sensible things said in the thread. People undervalue religion in what it does for a persons moral code.
Personally I think that religion stops more human evil than it causes. Sure 0.00000000000000000001% of each religion has it's nutters but can you imagine if everyone actually believed that there was nothing more to life. The number of nutters with nothing to live for would explode.

Of course this is my theory just the same as your statement is your theory.

Very true
I think this is one of the most sensible things said in the thread. People undervalue religion in what it does for a persons moral code.

I dont think so, I have no religious beliefs but think that my "moral code" as you put it is great.

The theory about it giving some people something to do is an interesting one, as it can't be proven. Those who think this is the case, surely the majority would just take up some other hobby or way of passing the time. Unless you believe that they were supposed to be evil/wrong/bad morals and religion somehow saved them from this. Excluding all environmental influences in their lives since they were born, such as their upbringing, from having any effect on their persons traits.
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I dont think so, I have no religious beliefs but think that my "moral code" as you put it is great.

I didn't say the non-religious lack morals or a "moral code".

But yours is probably down to parenting and if it weren't your parents who were taught about religion, morals and stuff in school or church then chances are your grandparents did. It all gets passed down, but in some cases it gets diluted.

Religion to people who practice is not something "interesting" lol, it's a way of life. Everything else like hobbies, is secondary.
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