May 20 is ‘Everybody Draw Mohammed Day’

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i thought it was aimed at the extremeists. you saying it as if your talking to all muslims.

Make up what you want if it helps you be the victim (again), or side step the actual question at hand... And I said "please don't try and force this hokum on others, especially by threats and worse still actual acts of violence..." Read what you want into this, but it seems fairly clear to me.

If you want to play the victim fine... No one has forced you to view or read any cartoons or comments on anything about religion. You've gone out of your way to do so.
errr no. you will find many muslims youngsters who a lot more religious than their parents and vice versa. everybody has a choice in islam

But Shakeel you must understand that it is very difficult for say a young lady growing up in Pakistan (for example) to be open about rejecting her faith to Islam without being completely shunned from society.

I do agree that there is a choice, it's just that making that choice has been made much harder than it has to be.
go read back back on what you wrote you said. this day was created to stick to fingers up at extremist and violent muslims. how does that include us?
See, I cant ever be forgiven. I did Shirk as a child - the most heinous and unforgivable crime.

Oh, and now I still do this with the glorious and noodly flying spaghetti monster.

Hi mate, yeah it's true that in Islam, 'shirk' which is the associating of partners with God, is something that God will never forgive.

"Surely God will not forgive the association of partners (Shirk) with Him, but He forgives (sins) less than that of whomever He wishes." -Quran

Now firstly, a person will not be held accountable for anything they did as a child. Secondly, it's only unforgivable if you die in that state. Therefore, every person has the choice and freedom to believe or disbelieve before they die.

Even though obvious shirk would be actually worshipping let's say another human being, or a prophet (as in Jesus Christ pbuh) or worshipping man made objects, there are also other forms of shirk. There are some muslims who put the prophet Muhammed pbuh on the same level as God, this again is shirk.

"They take their priests and their rabbis to be their lords in derogation of God, and (they take as their Lord) Christ the son of Mary; yet they were commanded to worship but One God: there is no god but He. Praise and glory to Him: (Far is He) from having the partners they associate (with Him)." -Quran

When this verse was revealed a christian man came to the prophet pbuh and said, 'but we do not take our priests as gods'. The prophet pbuh replied did they not make haraam (forbid) what God had made halaal and did they not allow what God had forbidden. He replied 'yes'. The prophet pbuh said did the people accept it? He again replied 'yes'. The prophet pbuh said this is 'shirk'.

This highlights how widespread shirk is today, because Gods laws have been replaced by man made laws and most people including muslims have accepted it. If it was shirk then, it is shirk now.
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But it is Islamic communities that are making this very hard for the person in question.

Just so we are on the same page here you are speaking to an ex-muslim who has lived in Pakistan.

I think you said the magic word there, 'community'. This is far more down to culture than the religion itself...

500yrs ago western cultures allowed women to be burned at the stake as witched, backed up by the local religions.

Today, similar medieval behaviour can still be found in some countries, and by coincidence these seem to generally be Islamic nations. I don't think Islam is the cause, it's a coincidence it's found in the same cultures. But they do seem comfortable bed fellows I'd say!

ie: If Jewish extremists had been threating individuals recently, we'd have a 'Draw XXXX Day' aimed at Judaism...
When you attack people of other cultures it is called racism, Jews call it Anti Semiitism, Women call it Sexism, Gays call it Homophobic, Countries call it Treason, Religious Sects calls it Hate Speech but when it comes to Prophet Mohammed (pbuh) it's called Freedom of Speech????? How does that work?
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When you attach people of other cultures it is called racism, Jews call it Anti Semiitism, Women call it Sexism, Gays call it Homophobic, Countries call it Treason, Religious Sects calls it Hate Speech but when it comes to Prophet Mohammed (pbuh) it's called Freedom of Speech????? How does that work?

What on earth are you talking about?

When you attach them? With super glue? Or just stitch them?
When you attach people of other cultures it is called racism, Jews call it Anti Semiitism, Women call it Sexism, Gays call it Homophobic, Countries call it Treason, Religious Sects calls it Hate Speech but when it comes to Prophet Mohammed (pbuh) it's called Freedom of Speech????? How does that work?

Please stop with the "(pbuh)" BS.

The person to whom you are refering is little better than hitler.
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