May 20 is ‘Everybody Draw Mohammed Day’

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there was 3 gay guys and a girl in my university class. they said a good number of gays see it as a lifestyle choice

The scientist who two years ago controversially announced the discovery of the "gay gene" has found further evidence for its existence in homosexual men.

A proclivity for homosexuality which some men carry on the X chromosome they inherit from their mothers is confirmed by the latest work, published in Nature Genetics, Dr Hamer said. "You can never say we're 100 per cent sure but we're twice as sure as before. We are better than 99 per cent sure that it's not a fluke."
go read the quran, then come back. it wont hurt you to read it. i think your afraid that if you do read youll start to like islam

I've got it in my bathroom for reading when I'm curling one off (I'm inquisitive) and it's a very boring, repetative and hard to get into. It is also very hard to get meaning from, which is why the Imams make a "killing" by teaching it to you instead of you being able to make your own mind up. Ergo brainwashing for the stupid (no intended offence, but inbreeding does have an effect over time) masses in the East.
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you actually had a conversation with a

Yup. The first one was at school, and when I told her I didnt believe in god and that I'm an atheist, she feaking raged, said that Atheists are all immoral criminal scum that will burn in hell for being evil.

The second was a Taxi driver who asked 'So then, do you believe in God?' ....

Exactly the same thing again :rolleyes:

And now, Documentories, religious nutters preaching, and Richard Dawkins do it for me.
Read post #1760 before you say that.
Selective Islamic recollection again...

LOL and so what??/...whats your point slug??...the only person i see getting all personal and childish is YOU...and that says a lot about you as a person.

If you honestly think that me or Shakeel are going to take you seriously then your wrong....i think your a joke because you just dont seem to be able to discuss things in an adult way....until you do then i will engage in a serious adult conversation with you....thats why i have bhavv and tip top on my ignore list and soon you will be joining them;).
its my country too.

Then maybe you should understand it over your religion, or where does your allegiance lie?
Also, don't you think saying that "my" religion really screwed up is inflammatory? If not, then back down and stop being offended about everything that is critical of your religion.
Thank goodness for that. ;)
I'm sick of hearing you go around in circles.

LOLZ not as much as you son;)...looks like i hurt your poor ikkle feelings eh??...dont worry i havent put you on ignore tempted to but id rather read what other **** you come up to justify your hatred of islam...its quite funny but sad at the same time:p
I noticed. And it's easier to put your fingers in your ears and pretend you can't hear.
"can't hear you, I'm still right"


Something like that, but for Islam and without the evolution.

OMG wow, just how real is the 'spouting *Koran* verses until the proof goes away' bit, lol.
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LOLZ not as much as you son;)...looks like i hurt your poor ikkle feelings eh??...dont worry i havent put you on ignore tempted to but id rather read what other **** you come up to justify your hatred of islam...its quite funny but sad at the same time:p

Not really Spawn, I'm not religious as I feel I'm too intelligent and logical to be indoctrinated.
So you threatened not listening to me :eek: and then changed your mind?
Don't make empty threats. I thought your religion would understand that over all others.
But yes you are right, I dislike religion in general and Islam in particular. If you find it funny that I dislike your religion you don't understand the Q'uran.
Please stick me on your ignore list and leave Shakeel to fend for himself.
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